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University of windsor computer science ranking 2016

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University of windsor computer science ranking 2016

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sample apa Die Freundin des Todesschutzen von Las Vegas, Marilou Danley, war nach eigenen Angaben nicht in university computer 2016 die Anschlagsplane ihre Partners eingeweiht, die zum Tod von mindestens 58 Menschen fuhrten. Norris? Ich habe Stephen Paddock als gutigen, fursorglichen, stillen Mann gekannt, gab Marilou Danley in university ranking 2016 einer Erklarung bekannt, die von ihrem Anwalt verlesen wurde. Der Literaturnobelpreis geht heuer an village housing university, den in computer science Nagasaki geborenen britischen Schriftsteller Kazuo Ishiguro (62). West Village Housing Towson? Das gab die Koniglich-Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften am Donnerstag in university ranking 2016 Stockholm bekannt. Duke University Press Desk? Ubergeben wird der Preis alljahrlich am 10. Of Windsor Computer Ranking? Dezember, dem Todestag des Stifters Alfred Nobel. Village Housing University? Im vergangenen Jahr hatte uberraschend der Musiker Bob Dylan den Nobelpreis zuerkannt bekommen. Mountain View /Cupertino (Kalifornien) Google forciert mit neuen Smartphone-Modellen seine Hardware-Offensive.

Der US-Internetgigant stellte am Mittwoch zwei neue Premium-Handys seiner Pixel-Serie vor, mit denen er in of windsor 2016 puncto Ausstattung und Design Apples iPhone und den Spitzengeraten von Samsung Paroli bieten will. Fsu Boston Hail? Auch beim Preis reichen sie an ranking, die Top-Konkurrenz heran. Das sensationelle Trainer-Comeback von Jupp Heynckes beim deutschen Fu?ball-Meister Bayern Munchen hangt offenbar nur noch an norris, der Klarung von Detailfragen. University Science? Das erfuhr die Deutsche Presse-Agentur am Donnerstag aus absolut verlasslicher Quelle innerhalb des Vereins. College Hail Mary? Die von der Vereinsfuhrung angestrebte Ruckkehr des 72-Jahrigen konnte demnach in university of windsor computer ranking den nachsten Tagen uber die Buhne gehen.

Jahrzehntelange Erfahrung bei multimedialer Aufbereitung und Verbreitung von Information machen die APA zum idealen Partner fur alle Content-Fragen. Expertenwissen der APA. Die APA stellt unverbindlich und kostenlos ihr Expertenwissen in fsu boston college hail mary Form von Whitepapers, Positionspapieren und Schriftenreihen zur Verfugung. Der Austria-Kiosk ist ein digitaler Zeitungsstand, in university of windsor 2016 dem osterreichische und internationale Tageszeitungen, zahlreiche Zeitschriften, Magazine und Fachmedien digital als E-Paper (PDF) gelesen werden konnen. Zum innenpolitischen Highlight des Jahres 2017 liefern die APA-Redaktionen umfangreiche Contentpakete mit denen Sie ihre User optimal mit den wichtigsten Nachrichten versorgen konnen. Wirtschaftslehrgang fur Journalisten. APA-Campus, die Weiterbildungsreihe der APA - Austria Presse Agentur, erweitert ihr Programmangebot um einen hochqualifizierten Lehrgang im Bereich Wirtschaft.

Die APA wuchs 2016 um 2,3 Prozent und startete eine umfassende Innovationsoffensive. Belief Learning Stanford? Alle Zahlen und Fakten zur Osterreichischen Nachrichtenagentur finden sich im Digitalen APA-Geschaftsbericht 2016. Networking-Reihe der APA und sd one. Die Reihe bietet bei regelma?igen Events in science ranking Wien, Graz und Linz neue Inputs sowie hochkaratige Expertinnen und Experten zu aktuellen Themen. Wien (OTS) - Am 25. Housing Towson? Mai 2018 ist es so weit. Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? Dann tritt die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) in towson university Kraft. University Science Ranking? Zwar mussen Unternehmen bis dahin komplizierte und aufwendige Anpassungen vornehmen, gleichzeitig ermoglicht das aber Wettbewerbsvorteile.

Denn viele Betriebe bekommen erstmals ein klares Bild uber ihre Datenlandschaft, erklarten Expertinnen und Experten bei einer Podiumsdiskussion der Plattform „Digital Business Trends“ (DBT) gestern, Donnerstagabend, in duke university press desk Wien. Ranking 2016? „Die Anderungen sind gravierend, bieten aber viele Chancen“, sagte Michael M. University Press Copies? Pachinger, Rechtsanwalt und Partner bei der Kanzlei SCWP Schindhelm. Science Ranking 2016? Wichtig sei, herauszufinden, wie die Datenstrome verlaufen, dadurch die Handlungsfelder zu erkennen und letztendlich die Anderungen umzusetzen. Fsu Boston College Hail? Das ermogliche einen unglaublich tiefen Einblick ins Unternehmen. Computer Science Ranking? Die Neuregelung bringe jedenfalls mehr Schutz, mehr Rechte und mehr Pflichten, so Pachinger, der kurzlich als „Data Protection Lawyer of the village towson university, Year in university computer science ranking Austria“ ausgezeichnet wurde. Stanford? Veranderungen gebe es vor allem in university science ranking den Bereichen Selbstverantwortung, Rechte der Betroffenen und Datensicherheit. College Hail? Insgesamt soll das zu mehr Transparenz fuhren. Of Windsor Computer Science 2016? „Die DSGVO ist kein Datenverhinderungsrecht, aber wir mussen erklaren, was wir tun“, erlauterte Pachinger. College Mary? Fur Unternehmen hei?e es kunftig, personenbezogene Daten nur dort zu nutzen, wo es wirklich notwendig ist, dafur zu sorgen, dass sie richtig, also auch aktuell sind, und die Speicherung zu begrenzen. University Of Windsor Computer? „Das muss eingehalten und auch nachgewiesen werden – Stichwort Rechenschaftspflicht“, so Pachinger. Of Marshall University Plane Victims? In gewissen Fallen werde ein Datenschutzbeauftragter zur Pflicht.

Zudem konnten Geldbu?en von bis zu 20 Mio. Computer? Euro verhangt werden. Housing Towson University? Fur die Betroffenen gibt es das Recht auf Information uber die verwendeten Daten, das Recht auf Loschung der Daten und das Recht auf Ubertragung zu einem anderen Unternehmen. University Of Windsor Computer? Im Bereich Datensicherheit muss ein angemessenes Schutzniveau geboten werden. West Towson University? Sollte es zu einem Datenvorfall kommen, ist – moglichst innerhalb von 72 Stunden – die Aufsichtsbehorde zu informieren. University Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? Zwtl.: Datenvorfalle schaden der Reputation „Bei Datenvorfallen geht es ja nicht nur um die Strafen, damit ist auch ein Reputationsverlust verbunden. Tuition Freeze Program? Deshalb muss man rechtzeitig vorsorgen“, gab Judith Leschanz, Leiterin der Abteilung Data Privacy bei A1 Telekom Austria, zu bedenken.

Allerdings seien die Auslegungshilfen der EU sehr spat gekommen und vieles sei noch immer unklar. Computer Ranking 2016? Das verunsichere Unternehmen, Geld in west towson die Hand zu nehmen. University Science Ranking? Fur die Menschen sieht Leschanz durch die neue Verordnung Vorteile, weil sich „das diffuse Gefuhl der Machtlosigkeit“ dadurch abschwache und der User die Oberhoheit uber seine Daten zuruckgewinne. Belief Net Machine? In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten habe es einen markanten Kontrollverlust uber die eigenen Daten gegeben – so sei beispielsweise das User-Tracking perfektioniert worden, erklarte Markus Haslinger, Professor fur Offentliches Recht im Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaften der Technischen Universitat (TU) Wien. University Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking? Im Gegensatz dazu sei das Recht stehen geblieben. Fsu Boston College Hail Mary? Deshalb habe es die DSGVO dringend gebraucht. Computer Science 2016? Sie biete einen modernisierten Rechtsrahmen fur den Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten im 21. Fsu Boston College Mary? Jahrhundert, in university computer science ranking 2016 dem die digitale Transformation taglich rapide fortschreite. University Of Wisconsin Tuition Freeze Program? Dadurch wurden auch die Datenmengen massiv zunehmen, so Karin Mair, Partner und National Leader bei Deloitte Osterreich.

Viele Nutzer seien anfangs zu blauaugig gewesen und wurden nun auf Transparenz pochen. Of Windsor Computer Science? „Die Unternehmen durfen zwar meine Daten verwenden, aber ich will sehen, wozu. West Housing? Das ist auch eine vertrauensbildende Ma?nahme“, sagte Mair. Science Ranking? Naturlich sei die DSGVO eine Herausforderung: „Die Unternehmen haben jetzt nicht unbedingt danach geschrien.“ Bei kleineren Unternehmen seien beispielsweise Beraterkosten ein Thema. Lars? Insgesamt biete sich aber die Chance fur die Entwicklung individualisierbarer Losungsansatze und Raum fur digitale Innovation. University Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? Laut Christoph Stangl, Head of lars university of florida, Cloud Marketing and computer science 2016 Communications bei Fabasoft, hat aber erst rund ein Drittel aller Unternehmen in lars university of florida Osterreich Ma?nahmen gestartet, um die DSGVO zu erfullen. University Computer Ranking 2016? Die Drohkulisse von falligen Strafzahlungen bei Nichteinhaltung sei jedoch kein Grund zur Panik, denn bereits heute konnten Unternehmen rechtssichere Business-Cloud-Losungen nutzen. College? Die Datenmengen wurden auch weiter zunehmen, „weil die Produzenten von heute durch die Digitalisierung zu den Dienstleistern von morgen werden“. University Of Windsor Computer Ranking 2016? Die Grundverordnung biete aber die Chance fur einen gleichberechtigten Wettbewerb auf Augenhohe. University Press At Random? Dass viele Unternehmen erst am Anfang stehen, betonte auch Karin Maurer, die fur das Thema bei IBM Osterreich zustandig ist.

Begonnen werden musse mit dem Verstandnis, wo im Unternehmen sich personenbezogene Daten befinden, wer darauf zugreift und wo es dabei Schwachstellen geben konnte. University Of Windsor Science Ranking? Das Problem sei, dass sich ein entsprechendes Projekt uber die verschiedensten Unternehmensbereiche „ziehe“ und sich dementsprechend schwierig und aufwendig gestalten wurde. Norris University? Die DSGVO konne aber auch zu Wettbewerbsvorteilen fuhren, wurden Transparenz und Vertrauen doch an of windsor science 2016, Bedeutung gewinnen. Learning? Deshalb sollte man die Neuregelung nicht als Bedrohung sehen, so Maurer. University Science Ranking 2016? Erst der deutlich erhohte Strafrahmen habe dazu gefuhrt, dass dem Thema Beachtung geschenkt wurde, betonte Daniel Miedler, Head of university freeze program, Business Unit – Network Infrastructure and university of windsor science Security bei Dimension Data Autria. Pictures Of Marshall Crash? Oft sei die Verantwortung innerhalb der Organisationen aber unklar. University 2016? Die Informationen, wie, wo und zu welchem Zweck Daten verarbeitet werden, mussten aus den relevanten Abteilungen kommen. Of Marshall University Plane Crash Victims? Erst dann komme die IT als ausfuhrendes Organ ins Spiel. Of Windsor Science Ranking? „Im Wesentlichen mussen sich die Geschaftsfuhrer ihrer Verantwortung bewusst werden, wie die von ihnen geleiteten Unternehmen mit dem wichtigsten Gut der heutigen Zeit, unseren Daten, umgehen“, so Miedler. Norris Of Florida? Uber Digital Business Trends: Die Veranstaltungsreihe Digital Business Trends (DBT) wird gemeinsam von [APA – Austria Presse Agentur] ( und [styria digital one] ( [(sd one) ] ( und von Partnern (Unternehmen, Organisationen und Medien), die den digitalen Wandel aktiv mitgestalten wollen, getragen. University Computer? Im Rahmen von insgesamt zehn Veranstaltungen pro fsu boston Jahr (Wien, Linz, Graz) trifft sich die digitale Community zum Meinungsaustausch und Networking im real life und spricht uber Markenentwicklungen, Technologien und Innovationen.

Die Partnerunternehmen der Digital Business Trends sind: Premium Partner: A1 Telekom Austria AG [] ( ING-DiBa Austria [] ( Wissenschaftlicher Partner: Technische Universitat (TU) Wien [] ( Classic Partner: Deloitte Osterreich [] ( Dimension Data Austria GmbH [] ( Fabasoft [] ( Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (FEEI) [] ( HORIZONT [ ] ( Osterreich [] ( Mindshare Austria [] ( Wien Energie [] ( Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich [] ( Digital Business Trends auf Social Media-Kanalen: Facebook: [] ( Twitter: [] ( Weitere Bilder finden Sie in science ranking der [APA-Fotoservice Galerie] ( Videomaterial [hier] ( . Wien/Bozen (OTS) - Die Veranstaltungsreihe Digital Business Trends (DBT) – in belief stanford der heimischen Digital- und Medienbranche seit knapp drei Jahren fest verankert – erweitert ihr Portfolio: Gemeinsam mit dem Medienunternehmen Athesia wurde die Digital Business Trends Sudtirol ins Leben gerufen. Of Windsor Ranking 2016? Ziel ist es, das vorhandene Know-how mit Interessierten und Mitgliedern der internationalen Community zu teilen und vom gegenseitigen fachlichen Austausch zu profitieren. University Of Florida? Die Initiatoren, Barbara Rauchwarter, Chief Marketing Officer APA – Austria Presse Agentur, und Alexis Johann, Geschaftsfuhrer der styria digital one, entwickeln das Konzept der DBT standig weiter. University Of Windsor? Dass man uber den osterreichischen Markt hinausblicken wird, war nur eine Frage der Zeit. University Of Florida? „Die Trends und Bedurfnisse des Markts haben wir stets im Blick, wir stellen uns dementsprechend auf und gehen immer wieder neue Wege“, sagt Barbara Rauchwarter und erganzt: „Die Digital Business Trends waren von Beginn an of windsor computer, als Plattform konzipiert, die moglichst viele Akteure vernetzt und den gro?en Themen der Digitalisierung Raum gibt. Learning? Dass nun gemeinsam mit Athesia das erste internationale Event der DBT uber die Buhne ging, freut mich besonders.“ Geplant sind zwei Events pro university computer ranking 2016 Jahr, die die Awareness fur Digitalisierungsthemen in duke press at random der regionalen Wirtschaft Sudtirols erhohen sollen. University Computer Ranking 2016? Alex Mayr, Leiter von Sudtirol Online Marketing, Gastgeber und Veranstalter des Networking-Events in fsu boston hail mary Bozen, teilt die Einstellung der DBT-Initiatoren, die Digitalisierung und die damit einhergehenden Veranderungen in university of windsor computer ranking allen Bereichen als Chance begreifen und nutzen zu wollen: „Wir haben das Format der DBT in university tuition Wien kennengelernt, und es hat uns sofort gefallen. Science? Fur Sudtirol wollen wir der Digitalisierung Raum geben, den Unternehmen Austausch ermoglichen und gemeinsam den Markt entwickeln. Belief Net Machine Learning? Denn alles, was digitalisiert werden kann, wird digitalisiert werden.“ „Innovationsgeist und Wissen, beides bei der DBT zu finden, brauchen Unternehmen aller Branchen heutzutage, um mit der Digitalisierung Schritt halten zu konnen“, ist Alexis Johann uberzeugt und erganzt: „Medienhauser wie die Athesia und die Styria verbindet das Ziel, mit unseren Losungen und Services stets am Puls der Zeit zu sein, um die Wunsche und Bedurfnisse unserer Leser und Kunden bestmoglich zu erfullen. Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking 2016? So ist es eine sehr erfreuliche und klare Entwicklung, dass wir gemeinsam Plattformen wie die DBT betreiben, in lars of florida deren Rahmen aktuelle Marktentwicklungen und Innovationen diskutiert werden.“ Beim Auftaktevent der DBT Sudtirol am 21.

September 2017 diskutierte eine Expertenrunde aus Kurt Matzler (Keynote-Speaker, Universitat Innsbruck), Karl Manfredi (Brennercom), Marco Marchetti (Despar), Sergio Marchiori (Alperia) und Alex Mayr (Werbeagentur Sudtirol Online Marketing) zum Thema Digital Readiness und gaben Antworten auf die Frage, was auf Fuhrungskrafte und Unternehmen im digitalen Wandel zukommt. Computer Science Ranking? [Weitere Fotos vom Auftaktevent] ( [] ( Die Partner der Digital Business Trends Sudtirol sind: [Alperia AG] ( [Brennercom AG ] ([Despar] ( Zwtl.: Uber Digital Business Trends: Die Veranstaltungsreihe Digital Business Trends (DBT) wird gemeinsam von [APA – Austria Presse Agentur] ( und [styria digital one] ( [(sd one) ] ( organisiert und von Partnern (Unternehmen, Organisationen und Medien), die den digitalen Wandel aktiv mitgestalten wollen, getragen. Pictures University Crash Victims? Im Rahmen von insgesamt zehn Veranstaltungen pro university 2016 Jahr (Wien, Linz, Graz) trifft sich die digitale Community zum Meinungsaustausch und Networking im real life und spricht uber Markenentwicklungen, Technologien und Innovationen. Belief Learning Stanford? Digital Business Trends auf Social Media-Kanalen: [Facebook] ( [Twitter] ( ) . Wien (OTS) - Ab Mai 2018 gilt die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, mit der die Sicherheit und Privatheit der personlichen Daten von EU-Burgern geschutzt werden soll. Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking? Das bringt etliche Neuerungen – und Herausforderungen – fur Unternehmen mit sich. Of Florida? Firmen, die „kritische Dienste anbieten, mussen kunftig den nationalen Behorden ernsthafte Sicherheitsvorfalle bzw. University Of Windsor Computer Science 2016? gro?ere Angriffe melden.

Au?erdem kommt das Recht der Verbraucher auf Loschung personenbezogener Daten. Fsu Boston Hail? Zudem wird die Strafandrohung deutlich verscharft. Of Windsor Computer Ranking 2016? Laut Experten erkennen heimische Unternehmen zwar den Handlungsbedarf, setzen Ma?nahmen aber nur zogerlich um. Towson? Was hei?t das fur die Firmen, die Marketingbranche und jeden einzelnen? Wie kann man sich darauf vorbereiten? Welche finanziellen und personellen Ressourcen sind dafur notig? Die Keynote beim kommenden DBT-Event am Donnerstag, den 28. University Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking? September 2017, ab 19:30 Uhr, im Haus der Musik in village towson university Wien, halt Rechtsanwalt Michael M. University Computer Ranking? Pachinger (SCWP Schindhelm). Victims? Mit ihm diskutieren im Anschluss Markus Haslinger (TU Wien), Judith Leschanz (A1 Telekom Austria), Karin Mair (Deloitte Osterreich), Karin Maurer (IBM Osterreich), Daniel Miedler (Dimension Data Austria) und Christoph Stangl (Fabasoft). Science Ranking 2016? Einlass 19:00 Uhr, Beginn 19:30 Uhr Eine Video-Zusammenfassung des Abends wird anschlie?end unter [] ( abrufbar sein. Belief Learning Stanford? Uber Digital Business Trends: Die Veranstaltungsreihe Digital Business Trends (DBT) wird gemeinsam von [APA – Austria Presse Agentur] ( und [styria digital one] ( [(sd one) ] ( und von Partnern (Unternehmen, Organisationen und Medien), die den digitalen Wandel aktiv mitgestalten wollen, getragen. University Ranking? Im Rahmen von insgesamt zehn Veranstaltungen pro west housing towson university Jahr (Wien, Linz, Graz) trifft sich die digitale Community zum Meinungsaustausch und Networking im real life und spricht uber Markenentwicklungen, Technologien und Innovationen.

Die Partnerunternehmen der Digital Business Trends sind: Premium Partner: A1 Telekom Austria AG [] ( ING-DiBa Austria [] ( Wissenschaftlicher Partner: Technische Universitat (TU) Wien [] ( Classic Partner: Deloitte Osterreich [] ( Dimension Data Austria GmbH [] ( Fabasoft [] ( Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (FEEI) [] ( HORIZONT [ ] ( Osterreich [] ( Mindshare Austria [] ( Wien Energie [] ( Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich [] ( Digital Business Trends auf Social Media-Kanalen: Facebook: [] ( Twitter: [] ( Datenschutz: Was sich nachstes Jahr andert Datum: 28.9.2017, 19:30 - 21:00 Uhr Ort: Haus der Musik Einlass: 19:00 Uhr Annagasse 20, 1010 Wien . Wien (OTS) - Die Entwicklung in university of windsor computer science 2016 Richtung Kunstliche Intelligenz, Algorithmen, Start-ups und neue Geschaftsmodelle bietet enorme Chancen, die Zukunft lebenswert zu gestalten. Of Marshall Plane Crash Victims? „Wir konnen es aber auch vertun. Of Windsor Computer 2016? Alles steht auf dem Spiel“, erklarte Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Generaldirektor des Museums fur angewandte Kunst und Gegenwartskunst (MAK), im Rahmen eines exklusiven VIP-Events der Networking-Reihe „Digital Business Trends“ von APA – Austria Presse Agentur und styria digital one (sd one) gestern, Donnerstagabend, in university of florida Wien. Science? Die Digitalisierung sei das gro?te Experiment in duke copies der Geschichte. Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? Deshalb musse man das viel starker reflektieren. University Plane Crash? „Wo ist die Grenze? Worauf mussen wir aufpassen? Kann uns eine kunftige Superintelligenz manipulieren?“, nannte Thun-Hohenstein Beispiele.

Der digitale Wandel komme „in Innovationsscheibchen daher – so hat das neue iPhone eine Gesichtserkennung integriert. Of Windsor Science? Wir sehen nur mehr die Baume, nicht mehr den Wald“, sagte er vor einer exklusiven Fuhrung durch die Ausstellung Hello, Robot.“. Pictures Of Marshall Plane Victims? Darin werden Fragen thematisiert, die vermutlich bald mehr oder weniger alle betreffen. Of Windsor Science 2016? Wie werden Robotik und Kunstliche Intelligenz unseren Lebens- und Arbeitsalltag verandern? Wie stark nahern sich Mensch und Maschine an? Was sind potenziell vielversprechende Anwendungen und was ist vollig grotesker Schwachsinn?

Mehr als 200 Exponate aus Kunst, Design und Architektur sowie Beispiele aus Technologie, Film, Literatur, Mode, Wissenschaft und Popularkultur laden zur Reflexion ein. Hail? Die Ausstellung Hello, Robot.“, die im Rahmen der Vienna Biennale stattfindet, ist noch bis zum 1. University Computer Ranking 2016? Oktober im Wiener MAK zu sehen. Belief Net Machine Stanford? [Weitere Bilder] ( [Download und Einbindungsdetails Video] ( Zwtl.: Uber Digital Business Trends: Die Veranstaltungsreihe Digital Business Trends (DBT) wird gemeinsam von [APA – Austria Presse Agentur] ( und [styria digital one] ( [(sd one) ] ( und von Partnern (Unternehmen, Organisationen und Medien), die den digitalen Wandel aktiv mitgestalten wollen, getragen. University? Im Rahmen von insgesamt zehn Veranstaltungen pro belief stanford Jahr (Wien, Linz, Graz) trifft sich die digitale Community zum Meinungsaustausch und Networking im real life und spricht uber Markenentwicklungen, Technologien und Innovationen. Computer Science Ranking? Zwtl.: Die Partnerunternehmen der Digital Business Trends sind: Zwtl.: Premium Partner: A1 Telekom Austria AG [] ( ING-DiBa Austria [] ( Zwtl.: Wissenschaftlicher Partner: Technische Universitat (TU) Wien [] ( Zwtl.: Classic Partner: Deloitte Osterreich [] ( Dimension Data Austria GmbH [] ( Fabasoft [] ( Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (FEEI) [] ( HORIZONT [ ] ( Osterreich [] ( Mindshare Austria [] ( Wien Energie [] ( Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich [] ( Zwtl.: Digital Business Trends auf Social Media-Kanalen: Facebook: [] ( Twitter: [] ( . APA – Austria Presse Agentur. 1060 Wien, Osterreich.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Refugee Movements Essay Sample. Mass population movements were a major feature of the 20th century; armed conflicts have increasingly targeted civilians and led to university of windsor enforced migration. No area of the fsu boston college hail mary, world has been spared from Indonesia to Sierra Leone, Bosnia to Nicaragua forming groups of people that we now called Refugees. A Refugee is someone who has fled his or her country because he or she fears persecution based on race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion. The definition is sometimes expanded to include people fleeing war or other armed conflict. Asylum seekers are quite different than Refugees and they are usually defined as people who claim to of windsor 2016 be a refugee. Duke Press Desk At Random. Often, an university of windsor science asylum seeker must undergo a legal procedure in which the host country decides if he or she qualifies for refugee status. International law recognizes the fsu boston college hail mary, right to seek asylum, but does not oblige states to provide it. In 1994, millions of Rwandans were subjected to genocidal violence and internal displacement, the world did nothing; however, when more than a million refugees fled into surrounding countries, there was a massive (but not very effective) international response. At a global scale this is usually what always happens as international interference is not always possible as the university of windsor computer ranking 2016, barrier of national sovereignty stands in the way. In the more economically developed countries or regions, Europe witnessed a mass movement or formation of 40 million refugees after the university freeze, Second World War.

This led to university of windsor computer science 2016 the rapid formation of many organizations that dealt with this issue and most importantly the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees being a main constituent in the charter of the United Nations. College Hail. In other less economically developed countries, countries such as Sudan, during the worst turmoil in of windsor science ranking, 1992, an estimated 800,000 Somalis were refugees in neighboring countries, and 2 million were internally displaced. Large numbers gradually returned to belief stanford their home areas during 1992-98, however the country continued to live in violence and population upheavals. The number of internally displaced people and refugees in or from Sudan are still increasing and later statistics will show the escalating numbers. Other examples such as those in the industrialised countries of Eastern Europe, the combination of conflict and economic collapse has led to the elderly being prone to food scarcity, people with chronic diseases going untreated, and preventive services such as antenatal care and child immunisation collapsing. Tuberculosis has been inadequately diagnosed and treated resulting in widespread multidrug resistance. The impact of extensive sexual violence documented in the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Sierra Leone, and of windsor 2016 Rwanda has been compounded by the rapid spread of HIV and AIDS. Meanwhile, more than three million Palestinians remain stateless in the Middle East, 50 years after the events that forced them to flee their homeland. (Statistics from: An internally displaced person is village university, someone who has been forced from his or her home for refugee-like reasons, but remains within the borders of university of windsor computer, his or her own country. Because the person is stanford, still under the jurisdiction of a government that might not want international agencies to help him or her, an internally displaced person might still be vulnerable to university computer 2016 persecution or violence. There are more internally displaced people than refugees, and they are a growing concern than refugees in many organizations. The following statistics shows and identifies countries in which a large number of their civilians are internally displaced due to persecution from pictures crash their own government or due to armed conflict or civil war in cases such as Sudan, Sierra Leone.

Internally Displaced Persons share many characteristics of International Refugees and in most cases live in worse habitats and are not protected under international refugee law because they remain inside their own countries. Often people think that internally displaced people live in a safer environment and with a slightly better quality of life but in fact, many of university of windsor computer science ranking, these persons are attacked and their own government continuously violates their rights as human beings. Pictures University Plane. These statistics are not exact as internally displaced persons are often unreliable and fragmentary but a close estimate is always taken. Sudan stands at science ranking, number one with four million internally displaced persons followed by Angola, then Columbia, Congo, and then Myanmar, surprisingly Syria remains much higher than Israel which is also higher than Palestine and those in the Gaza Strip and West Bank with 170,00 displaced persons in the Gaza Strip and lars university of florida West Bank, Israel 200,000-250,000 people and Syria much higher at 500,000 persons. Iraq remains much higher at number 9 and has the greatest number in of windsor computer ranking 2016, the Middle East. College Mary. (Figures from:

Refugees also cause problems to both countries that they already leave but are more of an international concern and more specifically countries that share borders with these countries which have large numbers of refugees. In the Netherlands, the numbers of of windsor ranking 2016, refugees are increasing. Most of these people are hosted in large asylum centers throughout the whole country; not only in the large city areas. As in other countries refugees can meet two kinds of reactions from native Dutch people: anti or pro. Especially in small rural communities the west village towson university, reactions towards asylum seekers and the asylum centers are often aggressive in the beginning. There are several reasons why this happens, yet most people believe that it#8217;s due to university computer science racism. It is no always solely racism that can explain these violent reactions (sometimes called Kollumnization).

Another reason is that by pictures of marshall plane victims, calling the native inhabitants racists, policy makers and media do not have to take worries of locals serious anymore. They should because their worries express the people#8217;s concerns of their daily environment. In most cases refugees are a global concern and a concern to both losing and receiving countries. It is usually the country which is receiving vast numbers of university of windsor computer ranking, refugees that face the greater problems with giving asylum to large numbers of refugees. These countries already have a great population size which overcomes its resources leaving the country in an increasing overpopulation status. There is usually a strain on lars university the country#8217;s resources, especially in university science ranking 2016, the Less Economically Developed Countries, increased unemployment, need to duke university desk provide housing, food, medical care, education, services which such countries can ill afford. It may also increase racial tension, violence and discrimination. Receiving countries also have to university computer provide safety for refugees from their own government#8217;s persecution and have to try to village towson keep the media away from some people in many cases due to computer ranking 2016 the relations between both countries and university of florida the pressure produced by governments on their neighbouring countries throughout the media or in other forms such as financial aid or economic relations. These refugees also form an international pressure through organizations such as the United Nations and since nearly 80% of the refugees are refugees within developing nations, the countries face a sort of -have to accept to some extent policy that forces them to accept many refugees in their country. In Myanmar, Burmese refugees who remain in urban centers are increasingly vulnerable to arrest and, in university ranking, some cases, forcible return to housing university Burma, where their lives are at risk.

Gross human rights abuses by the Burmese government have prompted the outflows and created grave problems for its neighbor. Of Windsor Computer. The Thai government has pursued a humanitarian policy through which refugees fleeing conflict are afforded temporary asylum until the conflict in university tuition program, the area from which they fled ends. The refugee population in the camps has expanded from little more than 20,000 in the mid-1980s to nearly 120,000. Science Ranking 2016. The number continues to grow. University. This is a growing concern to the population of Thailand which is already overpopulated and many refugees are illegal immigrants. Other refugees live in special camps which also require care, financial aid and human rights protection and in such areas this is ill afforded. Refugees live in very bad conditions and are vulnerable to of windsor computer science 2016 disease and duke university press desk copies at random malnutrition and can bring outbreaks to countries that receive them.

If refugees become immigrants, they usually live in low cost crowded housing and form slums (shanty towns) the of windsor computer 2016, same way immigrants do. They form non-pleasant sceneries in cities and concentrate in areas where there is fsu boston hail mary, racial tension, high crime rates, and where very few basic services are provided. University Computer Ranking. These people also have low income jobs and don not contribute to the countries economy and are seen as an economic asset as they grow older and are in need of pensions, shelter and services. These people also have no ties with their families and barely see them and their culture fades away and they are left in a new environment facing problems with the language, difficulties with fitting in these new cultures and often cannot practice their religion or culture the way they do in their home land. In other cases, governments receiving refugees often face violent attacks from the opposition forces in the original country giving refugees as in Bangkok when Burmese activists held 30 people as hostages and demanded for human rights respect. Burmese refugees sometimes take away jobs from the fsu boston hail mary, already growing unemployed people and this usually happens within the LEDC#8217;s. However the advantages and disadvantages of the losing country are mixed in a sense since the advantages of refugees could be expressed as a disadvantage for university of windsor, the government of the countries giving off refugees. Hail. Refugees when find asylum find the university computer 2016, opportunity to norris university gain new skills in media training, public speaking and of windsor self presentation may be an housing towson excellent way of integrating and usually persuade people against their own governments as with refugees that left Iraq after the computer science ranking 2016, Gulf War and opposed the dictatorship of Saddam risking their lives and their refuge countries capacity in protecting them. The losing country loses a lot of duke desk copies at random, its overgrown population reducing the pressure on it#8217;s already week economy.

These countries usually lose a large number of children and woman and their population structures are altered greatly giving a fragile social life within certain families, families torn apart while seeking refuge through death and university of windsor ranking or racial persecution. Villages are bereft of people and many investors usually at a small scale and large scale are evacuated or as in most cases become refugees and mary lose a great deal of income to their economy. These countries fall under dictatorships in most of the university of windsor ranking 2016, cases and are left with a #8220;raging#8221; civil force opposing them leaving the country under political, economic and social instability discouraging any from of tourism, foreign income, investors, or even reliable financial assistance from international aid. In the governments view, these refugees form a pressure on all services, jobs, and towson university the economy and are considered to release some of the pressure. They also tend to #8216;cleanse#8217; unwanted groups of 2016, people out of their country and have a bigger chance in staying in power to rule the country and is in most cases what refugees are all about, these cases are mostly found in Africa and one of the main examples and most common one is Sudan where they #8220;get rid#8221; of unwanted people to decrease their total population, their fertility rates as women are usually what the refugee population consists of. However the receiving countries may usually but rarely have some of the migration advancements yet this is not always the case as refugees will seek asylum in the closest country next to their due to the lack of transportation, money and duke university desk so on. Of Windsor 2016. Although there are some refugees who make it abroad to hail mary developed countries, these receiving countries can sometimes benefit from an extra source of labour. Many bring cultural exchange that brings new skills and ideas. Science 2016. These refugees may also earn more money and have a higher standard of living stable employment with a salary meeting new people and broadening their cultural understanding. Germany has dominated the list of receiving countries over the last decade, in 1992 receiving 438,000 applicants; the fall to 127,000 in 1994 was mainly a result of the new asylum law which came into operation in the middle of 1993.

The 1997 figure of 104,300 represented the smallest number since 1989. (Figures from pictures of marshall plane victims sights indicated above) Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and science ranking order Advantages and fsu boston college hail Disadvantages of Refugee Movements. essay editing for only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed! Relevant essay suggestions for Advantages and Disadvantages of Refugee Movements. The Syrian civil war originating in 2011 has put millions in perilous situations, now involving most of the university of windsor computer science 2016, international community. Duke University Desk Copies. With approximately 6.5 million people internally displaced, and millions more#8230; Advantages and disadvantages of globalization. Advantages and disadvantages of of windsor computer science, globalization However, we are not so thankful to belief learning globalization for taking our jobs away from us. Many countries experience a structural change in economy when the#8230; Advantages and disadvantages of mass media. Nowadays, people that not have access to mass media are people who don?t know many things about the world but what are the university of windsor computer science, advantages and disadvantages of mass media and#8230; Asylum seekers in Australia should be treated with greater respect.

Australia#8217;s treatment of Asylum Seekers has become a disgrace, from pictures victims our violation of our international treaties, mandatory detention centre and violation of basic human rights. We have changed from a#8230; Globalization Advantages And Disadvantages. Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into of windsor science, a single society and function together. This process is a combination of net machine learning, economic,#8230; Advantages and Disadvantages Working and university science 2016 Living In the pictures university crash, City and 2016 Countryside. At the moment I am at of wisconsin tuition freeze, College in Saraburi of Thailand, which is a cross between a town and the countryside. Coming from an industrial town, it is a nice change#8230;

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Create your free Business Plan now. Make an investment-worthy business plan easily with our free template. Select a Industry Fill in of windsor computer the Form. Complete your Business Plan. Print and Download For Free. Business Plans: Writing Guides, Downloadable Templates, and press copies, Samples. Updated February 15, 2017 by university of windsor science Legal Templates. 1. Free Business Plan Template Download.

Are you an duke university copies at random entrepreneur looking to download a free business plan? If so, you have come to the right place. Legal Templates is happy to provide you with a hassle-free document downloads. Click the buttons below to university science ranking download (1) a blank document, and (2) a document that is norris university, filled in for university of windsor computer science ranking 2016, you to reference. Related Business Documents: Click to View.

What’s included in the blank template: In the first download, you will find documents with all of the chapters, section titles, and section subtitles that you will need to norris university of florida successfully complete your plan. Our first plan contains the 8 chapters of a basic business plan including: Chapter 1: Executive Summary: The executive summary provides investors with a general layout of your company. This chapter is ranking 2016, essentially your hook to belief learning convince potential financiers that your model is worthy of computer science ranking 2016 their investment. Of Wisconsin Tuition? Chapter 2: Company and Financing: In this chapter, the goal is to of windsor science 2016 outline the legal and operational structure of press copies your company, financing requirements, the history behind the company, mission statement and the management team. If you are forming a corporation, be sure to include your Articles of Incorporation here. Chapter 3: Products and Services: This section describes what products and/or services your business will sell (now and in the future), and how you will build, assemble and deliver them. It also offers a comparison of university science ranking your company and your direct and indirect competitors. Chapter 4: Customers and Market Analysis: The customers and market analysis page indicates your target customer segments, what needs you are filling for them , and the latest trends among these consumers in terms of growth and behavior. Chapter 5: Marketing and Sales: The marketing and sales chapter allows you to describe how you will sell your product/service.

Particularly what are your company’s strategies for positioning, pricing, promotion and college hail mary, distribution. Chapter 6: Strategy and Implementation: This chapter will give you an of windsor computer ranking opportunity to set the key milestones that help establish a timeline of progress towards your goals. Additionally, it includes subsections like SWOT analysis, competitive edge, and strategic alliances. Net Machine Learning Stanford? Chapters 7 + 8: Financial Plan, Sales Forecast, Financial Statements: In the final two chapters, entrepreneurs must define and calculate the financial variables that will go into computer science the creation/expansion of your idea, including its expenses, your anticipated sales forecast, personnel plan, cash flow assumptions, and more. If you are purchasing an fsu boston mary existing company, you should also include the business purchase agreement in your plan. What’s included in the template with sample text: In the second download, we give you a completed ice cream shop plan to reference. Each section gives an science 2016 example of what you should write. Our guide also includes example graphs and charts, so that you are aware of the types of financial calculations, plans, and forecasts that a plan should offer to attract investment.

For guidance on what you should include in your plan, and why, please reference our How to Write a Business Plan set of articles below. Downloading this small business plan comes at no cost, so feel free to start your download and fsu boston college mary, get started. However, you should be aware that there are some pros and cons to using free business templates, rather than using professional software or an experienced writer. Writing a business plan is a prerequisite to of windsor science ranking 2016 your company’s success. University Copies? A solid plan is necessary to university science ranking 2016 help found your company and ensure that your goals remain on track over time. Your plan can and will change as you encounter the unpredictable variables that come with starting your own company. If you have an belief net machine learning stanford existing company, crafting a solid plan is equally important if you’re hoping to attract investment and expand your company beyond the limits you’ve already reached. Your business strategy should account for computer science 2016, the next 3-5 years in advance, and cover every aspect of your industry, including the critical relation between marketing and norris of florida, sales to your company’s finances. Your plan should include the following sections before you submit it to investors. Click each accordion to read a how-to guide for each chapter: “How to Write a Business Plan” Table of Contents: How to Write the Executive Summary.

The executive summary contains all of the of windsor computer ranking 2016 essential information about what makes your business strong and worthy of investment . It covers the major highlights of the rest of lars your plan’s chapters. The goal is to briefly tell your reader what your company will do, where you want to take it, and university of windsor science 2016, why your business idea will be successful. If you are seeking financing, the executive summary is your first opportunity to grab a potential investor’s interest. The executive summary will be the learning stanford first chapter of your business plan, though it’s actually the last section that you should write . University Of Windsor Science 2016? First, you’ll need to fsu boston college mary do heavy research to ensure that your plan is sound before you can write the executive summary. This section will be different depending on if you are an established business or a new startup.

A startup company’s executive summary will need to be interesting and university of windsor computer 2016, convincing to university tuition freeze capture the attention of investors. Your company will lack the historical data and trends that existing companies are able to provide, but there are strategies to mitigate these factors. First, you’ll need to university computer science ranking 2016 briefly explain who you are, the background of your management team, and your reasoning behind starting a business in college mary your chosen niche. Secondly, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve done quality research that supports how you’ve conceptualized your business. Investors know that talk is cheap – do you have the data and analysis to back up your claims? Even in a standard plan, the university computer science executive summary for an existing business has no set template, although there are several suggested guidelines that you can find around the west village towson university web. We suggest the following basic template – feel free to add or subtract sections according to your own needs: Summary Management Team Products and university of windsor computer 2016, Services Customers Marketing and Sales Financial Forecast Financing Requirements (optional) Describe the purpose of the plan (e.g.; to raise a specific amount of debt financing to belief net machine learning expand a store location) as well an overview of the company (name, location, company type, products sold, founder(s) and founding date). Describe the key milestones or objectives that you want to achieve with this business (these are the tangible results in which you use to of windsor science prove success of the university of wisconsin freeze program venture). This statement should be concise and to the point.

Summarize the of windsor computer ranking 2016 members of the management team, including highlights of their expertise and experience . Describe how each member contributes to net machine learning stanford the success of the organization. Keep this section brief, as you will go into computer science ranking more detail in freeze program the Products and Services section. Products and Services. Describe the products and services you are providing and who the university of windsor science ranking competitors are within the industry . Keep this section brief, as you will go into more detail in the Products and Services section. Describe whom your customer groups are and norris, whom your key customers are , as well as how you will market to them. Keep this section brief, as you will go into more detail in the Market section. Describe briefly how you will market your product or service. Summarize the major points in the Marketing and Sales chapter, which may include market positioning, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

Summarize the most important points from the Financial Plan section here. This should include your sales forecasts and projected expenses as well as the logic behind the projections. If you are a new company, describe when you expect to computer ranking turn a profit . If you are an of florida existing company, highlight past financial performance. 7. Financing Requirements (Optional) Summarize the amount of equity and/or debt financing that you are seeking, when you need it, the use of the funds, and when you expect to reach your next milestone event and/or start paying back the loan. Keep this at an overview level , as you will go into university of windsor computer science ranking 2016 more detail later on in other chapters. Note: This is a complex question that you cannot answer until you complete your plan, so it is highly recommended you work your way through the entire writing process first . In particular, complete the financial planning process before attacking this section.

Only then will you be able to identify the amount of duke university press desk money you will need to raise. With these sections fleshed out, you’ve finished your executive summary. How to Write the university science 2016 Company and Financing Chapter. The company and finance section of your plan is important, because introducing the management team is pictures crash, critical for university of windsor computer science, both start-ups and established companies alike. Investors will use this information to lars university gauge the 2016 future likelihood of success. Company and Financing Sections. Company Overview Management Team Required Funds (optional) Exit Strategy (optional) Mission Statement (optional) Company History (optional) Location and Facilities (optional) There are many variations and approaches on net machine stanford, how to lay out the various components of a business plan.

Our approach for the company overview section is to provide the reader with the company’s legal information, address and a brief description of the company’s history. Computer 2016? Since there are follow up sections in this chapter that over university go the company’s location and history in more detail, you will want to computer ranking 2016 keep this short (2-3 sentences). A BRIEF PRIMER ON COMPANY TYPES. The optimal company type is best determined by a credible Attorney. The primer below is meant only to explain the pictures university plane broad differences between the most common company types. A sole proprietorship, according to the IRS: “A sole proprietor is someone who owns an unincorporated business by him or herself.” While the most simple to set up and the most common, there is a significant drawback: you will be personally liable for computer science ranking, any obligations. So for belief net machine, example, if you sell someone a cupcake and university of windsor computer 2016, they sue you because they found a hair in it, and you lose in court, the creditors can legally go after your personal possessions – such as the roof over your head. A partnership, according to the IRS: “A partnership is the of marshall university plane relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business.

Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in university of windsor science ranking the profits and losses of the west company.” A partnership has certain advantages compared to university of windsor computer science ranking 2016 a LLC, such as not needing to tuition file formation documents when setting up a partnership, and not needing to file dissolution documents if dissolving the partnership. However, similar to sole proprietorships, partners in a partnership have unlimited liability for the company’s debts and liabilities. Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) LLPs are different from traditional partnerships in that there are two classes of partners: (1) General partners that have full management and control but also full personal liability and (2) Limited partners that have no personal liability beyond their investment in the partnership interest. University Ranking? Limited partners are often times “silent partners” that wish to invest in the venture but limit their exposure to liability. A corporation is a separate legal entity owned by shareholders. A corporation is commonplace for businesses that anticipate seeking venture capital financing.

The downside to a corporation is the problem of “double taxation” since the college hail mary corporation’s profits is taxed at the corporate level, and then any dividends distributed to university computer science ranking shareholders are then taxed again at the personal level. You can elect a special tax status with the IRS to norris university of florida have your corporation not be taxed at of windsor science ranking 2016, the corporate level (instead, it would be taxed as a pass-through entity). Some of the drawbacks include not being able to university of florida have more than 100 shareholders , and not being able to university of windsor have non-US citizens/residents. A popular choice among many small businesses , a LLC limits the member’s personal liability and only taxes profits at the individual level (acts as a pass-through entity). Describe the duke press desk copies at random type of company you plan to open, along with the of windsor ranking registered name you plan to use.

Explain your rationale – for example, if you are starting a company where you plan on seeking venture capital financing, then you will want to start a C-Corporation as majority of VCs will insist on press at random, this legal structure. If you have a home office/no dedicated business address. Include your current office setup and your future office plans once your company expands, if applicable. For start-ups, and especially those seeking financing, the Management Team section is especially critical. With the university 2016 lack of history, there is little investors can go by to gauge the future success of a venture. The question lenders and duke, investors will ask: Why should we trust your team with our money? You must demonstrate your team’s ability to of windsor ranking 2016 execute on press desk at random, the stated goals. To accomplish this, you should highlight: Background of of windsor each member of the management team (education, relevant work experience, etc.) Roles and responsibilities within the company. Tip: Don’t include details about members of the Management Team that are not relevant to the reader. Everything presented should reinforce why your team is the right team to execute on the company’s vision.

If you have an belief learning stanford established business the information you want to science present is the same. Keep in belief mind, however, that you also want to demonstrate that your team has the capability to manage growth of the university of windsor science company. As a company grows from start-up to established business, the management team must also change. They must be able to towson manage employees, institute standardized systems, and ensure the of windsor science ranking business’s ability to village housing scale operations while keeping profitability stable. If you already have a Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board, list these individuals and university of windsor computer, a brief description. In a publically trading company the pictures of marshall Board of university of windsor computer ranking Directors is elected by the shareholders and is the highest authority in the management of the fsu boston college mary company. For our purposes (context of computer science 2016 a private company that is most likely a startup or small but growing business), a Board of Directors is comprised of investor(s), founder(s), CEO and independent board member(s) who have substantial business and industry experience.

A Board of Director’s typical responsibility is to set broad policies for the company, determine compensation for company management, and approve annual budgets. An advisory board is a group of business leaders that can help guide your company and provides it with assistance when needed. Choose individuals with knowledge in university of wisconsin tuition program your industry and are willing to play a role in your company . While some advisors are compensated, it comes down to a case-by-case basis, frequently depending on how much time the member is committed to your company. Tips on university computer ranking, building your Advisory Board: Choose a well-respected and well-known individual as the first member of your Advisory Board.

This will help you to recruit other members of the Board. University Of Wisconsin Tuition Freeze Program? Choose individuals that have strengths and relationships your business will need. As your business evolves, so will the university of windsor science ranking 2016 members of your Advisory Board. Feel free to shake up the line up over time. In this section you will tell the reader how much money you need to raise, what you are going to use it for, and how you got to the requested amount. Important note: This is a complex question that you cannot answer until you complete your plan, so it is highly recommended you work your way through the of wisconsin freeze program entire writing process and in particular, complete the university of windsor computer ranking 2016 financial planning process. Norris Of Florida? Only then will you be able to computer science identify the west village housing university amount of money you will need to raise. There are two primary financing options: equity and debt. The primary difference between equity and debt financing is that debt financing is essentially a loan that is backed by your assets or via a personal guarantee. If your company is already in existence and has trading history, then you may also secure a loan off of your receivables. In contrast, equity financing is essentially you exchanging a stake in your company for a specific sum of money from an investor . Therefore, the amount you are able to raise from investors comes down to university of windsor computer science 2016 how much they value your company.

There are three fundamental questions every savvy investor will ask you: Cool idea, how do you make money with it? How much money do you need, and why and when? What do you think your company is worth? If you are seeking financing (regardless of its equity or debt), that most likely means that your financial model shows your company taking a loss in the initial stages, followed by fsu boston break-even and subsequent profitability. The money you are seeking to raise will simply allow you to have enough cash to cover the initial period where you will be taking a loss so that you can eventually make a profit. This is university computer, a simplification; you may be raising money to further grow your company, which may already be profitable.

Or you might use the financing to get your product to the next stage in its product development lifecycle (i.e.; milestone event). But the norris university general concept is the same; the investment you are seeking bolsters your company’s cash position , allowing it to grow revenue and/or profitability. Cool idea, how do you make money with it? / How much money do you need, and why and when? The financial statements provide the answer to the first two questions (which is why we recommend you complete your plan first). University? To answer how much money you need, analyze the cash flow statement to determine the cumulative cash flow. Housing University? The lowest point on this curve will tell you what your maximum financing needs are , and at what point in university of windsor 2016 time. What do you think your company is worth? The third question is much harder to university plane crash answer, especially for computer science ranking 2016, a new company.

At the end of the day it really comes down to what an investor thinks your company is worth (which is more art than science). However, there are three popular methods of of wisconsin freeze program valuing a company that can help you come up with a valuation to facilitate the negotiation. Cost approach (asset based approach) The cost approach seeks to determine a company’s value by analyzing the computer science 2016 market value of its assets. In other words, in this approach the company is belief net machine learning, worth the sum of all its assets if they were to be liquidated . This approach may be appropriate for of windsor science 2016, some industries such as real estate where the housing towson asset value may actually be worth more than the of windsor computer ranking going concern value (present value of future cash flows generated by the asset). However, for many companies the value of its branding and reputation, along with its ability to generate profits, will exceed the value of its assets. The market approach seeks to determine a company’s value by analyzing recent sales of similar assets, with the theory that valuations of hail similar companies can serve as a good proxy. This is a common approach in the real estate industry. The income approach seeks to determine a company’s value by using its expected profit over time and then placing a value on that future stream of income in today’s terms . Since there is inherent uncertainty with a future stream of income, there are numerous ways to discount that expected income to account for risk. Now you have all the pieces to of windsor computer science complete the west village towson university equation.

You have the amount of money you need by looking at university of windsor computer 2016, cumulative cash flow. You also have an idea of how much money your company will be worth. Equation to determine how much equity you should offer: Equity to offer = Company Valuation / Money needed. If raising debt, you are not exchanging equity for cash. Instead, you should focus on the loan’s interest rate and payment schedule. Make sure you will be turning a profit that is both large enough and soon enough to duke press desk copies at random ensure there is no delinquency on servicing the loan. For equity financing, answer the following:

Investment amount needed When you need it How much time it will buy you / When you expect to turn a profit or get to the next milestone event % of equity offered and at what company valuation (you may wish to of windsor science ranking keep exact figures vague in order to further negotiate) Exit strategy. For debt financing, answer the following: Loan amount needed When you need it When you will be able to pay back the loan The amount and norris of florida, frequency of loan payments. In addition to the information above, you should also summarize how you plan to of windsor computer ranking 2016 use the funds. The level of pictures of marshall plane victims detail should be at a high level ; if the of windsor computer science investor or lender wants to see expenses in more detail that will be available in the Appendix within the Profit/Loss statement. Construction of new kitchen: Kitchen remodeling, March 1, 2014, $25,000 Kitchen hardware, April 1, 2014, $50,000 Total Loan Amount: $75,000. If based on your financial model you anticipate relatively small yet variable expenses month to month, a line of belief net machine learning stanford credit may be a good choice. With a line of credit you draw upon it when you require the funds and university of windsor computer ranking 2016, pay interest immediately on the money as it is borrowed. It works very similarly to a credit card in that you typically have a pre-set limit to how much you can borrow, the major exception that since you may be able to pictures of marshall crash secure the line of credit with assets, you may be able to get better terms. In the Quick Start Guide we briefly went over the different strategies available and how thinking about your company’s eventual exit will help shape your business model.

It’s recommended you review the Quick Start guide and practice that exercise. Depending on your company, there are various exit strategies available, including: Selling your business Passing it down through the family Taking the university of windsor computer company public (IPO) Liquidation. If you are seeking equity financing, then your investors will pay close attention to this section. Angel investors and VCs demand a large return on pictures of marshall crash victims, their investment since they are taking a large risk by investing into your company. Therefore, you need to include detailed information on how you intend to sell the company or take it public. Demonstrating a large market opportunity. If investors are going to of windsor science take a big risk, they demand a big return. You need to demonstrate your business has the potential to either take substantial market share from an incumbent competitor, or create a new market. Investors like to university of wisconsin tuition program be in hot, growing industries such as biotechnology, mobile e-commerce and healthcare. These are all industries that have huge upside growth potential and ones that investors are more inclined to invest in.

Solving a larger company’s problem. If your exit strategy is to of windsor computer science ranking 2016 sell your company to a larger company, then identify how your company’s product solves that larger company’s stated problems and/or goals. For example, Apple’s mapping software is playing catch-up to Google Maps. If your company can help Apple improve its software, your company would become an attractive acquisition target. The mission statement reflects the core purpose and lars norris of florida, vision of the company. University Computer Science Ranking? It’s a statement your employees and customers can get behind. Some tips on fsu boston college, writing a well-crafted mission statement: Keep it short. University Of Windsor Computer Ranking 2016? 1-2 sentences max. Don’t use “fluff” words.

Make the statement mean something. A mission statement, if done well, should encapsulate both what the company does (what it sells) as well as the culture/vision/purpose. Examples of Fortune 500 firms that really get it right: A. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY (PHARMACEUTICALS) Mission Statement: “To discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over tuition serious diseases.” Why it’s great: The keywords “discover, develop and university computer science ranking, deliver” demonstrate the company’s capability to pictures of marshall university plane crash victims in delivering an university 2016 end-to-end solution. By using the words “innovate” and “prevail over serious diseases” it serves as a rallying call for their thousands of employees that what they are doing is university of wisconsin freeze, (1) cutting edge and university computer ranking, (2) has a higher purpose then themselves. Mission statement: “ We will be the easiest pharmacy retailer for customers to use.”

Why it’s great: In one short sentence, the company has managed to housing towson (1) describe what it sells (2) how it will win in the marketplace. Of Windsor Computer? It is a pharmacy retailer and it will solely focus on making itself easier for the customer to belief net machine learning stanford use (that could mean so many things, such as innovating online to university of windsor science 2016 fulfill prescriptions to mary improved customer service within their stores). Example of poorly written mission statements. A. FORTUNE 500 FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMPANY. Mission statement: “ The Company’s primary objective is to of windsor science 2016 maximize long-term stockholder value, while adhering to the laws of the jurisdictions in which it operates and at all times observing the highest ethical standards.” Why it’s horrible: It does not serve as a rallying call for employees, suppliers, or partners. Its objectives are obvious (what company does not want to maximize value) and borderline absurd (are there companies that do not want to lars norris of florida adhere to local and of windsor ranking 2016, federal laws)? Lastly, it does not mention what the company actually does. B. Lars Of Florida? FORTUNE 500 VEHICLE PARTS SUPPLIER. Mission Statement: “ We are committed to university science ranking attracting, developing, and keeping a diverse work force that reflects the nature of lars university our global business.” Why its horrible: While a diverse workforce is certainly not a bad thing, only stating that as the company’s mission statement is university computer, ineffective, lacks direction or focus, and completely misses the belief net machine point of having a mission statement.

This is predominately for university of windsor science 2016, businesses that have previous trading history, but can also be used by new companies that want to highlight relevant history on how the company came to of wisconsin freeze program existence, work completed to university computer date, milestones achieved, etc. Some information you may want to learning include: Start date First location First product/service Significant milestones/events. Reminder: keep in mind that there is no set rule as to the level of detail you want to include. This is dictated by the relevancy of the information to the reader and how this information helps strengthen your plan’s ability to build credibility for your company. Every company is university of windsor computer ranking 2016, made of milestones. Milestones for fsu boston college, a business are achievements that demonstrate the business is on the right track. University Science Ranking? They are best when quantifiable and measureable. For example, achieving a working prototype of your product, or getting to break-even, are both huge milestones that showcase your ability to execute and reduces subsequent risk of your company.

Key concept: The more uncertainty that you can take off from the table, the better valuation you can get for your business. For businesses that have a retail or manufacturing component, this is an important section of your plan. Information you may want to include: Size (e.g.; in university of wisconsin freeze program sq. Of Windsor 2016? ft.) Location/Address Other notable facts, such as equipment at the facility. Location is important for a large number of retail businesses, whether you are a restaurant or purveyor of belief stanford consumer products. If possible, provide statistics about the retail location you have chosen or are planning to choose. Describe the lease terms you are able to secure, and if there are any laws that protect the lessee from university of windsor computer science unreasonable price increases. You can read a detailed article about lars norris, what to of windsor computer look for in a lease agreement here. Provide detailed information on lars norris university, the manufacturing facilities. For example, your operation may require a reliable source of electricity and water.

Describe how the computer facility provides the business with these resources. If the facility is university tuition freeze, pre-existing equipment or structures that can be leveraged, make mention of that. Location can be an important aspect of your business even if you are not in retail or manufacturing. For example, you might want to open your software company in Silicon Valley as that provides a competitive advantage from an employee recruitment and science, fundraising perspective. If you operate out of a home office. Describe your future expansion plans, including expected date of duke press desk copies at random expansion. Upon completing these sections, you will then be finished with the of windsor computer science 2016 company and pictures plane crash victims, financing section of computer ranking your business plan. Writing the Products and Services Chapter.

The products and services chapter of your business plan should be written clearly and norris, descriptively, to help give investors a comprehensive understanding of the of windsor computer ranking bread and butter of your business. Your products and services section should include the following sections. Products and Services Chapter Sections. Products and Services Competitors Sourcing and Fulfillment (optional) Technology (optional) Intellectual Property (optional) Future Products and village towson university, Services (optional) Your products and services are the lifeblood of your business – it’s what your customers need, and university 2016, if you get this right, everything else will follow . Commonly referred to as “product lift”, which essentially means getting the secret sauce working. It means that customers want to buy your product/service, and you are filling a need that was previously not satisfied. Thinking in terms of university press benefits vs. features. What is the science ranking 2016 consumer really buying? For example, a person buying a Rolex watch is not only buying a device to lars tell time, but the prestige and status that comes with a luxury product. 2016? Think about what end benefit your product/service delivers. Of course, the functional aspects of your product/service are also important.

Depending on tuition, what you are going to sell, think through the features it will provide, packaging, design, branding, quality, and ranking, other aspects that help position and/or differentiate it from competing products/services. You may have heard the business adage that acquiring a new customer is indefinitely more expensive then keeping an desk at random existing customer. University Of Windsor Computer Ranking? One of the reasons this is true is the potential to sell additional add-ons, upgrades and substitute products/services to existing customers . Think about how you can drive incremental revenue. Whether it’s via subscriptions, repeat business, or annual contracts, you may be providing products/services that generate a recurring revenue stream. This is a good thing, because (1) your revenue can be more predictable and stable (2) you are maximizing earning potential . Think how you can generate recurring revenue, which is expressed with a metric called Lifetime Value per customer. You will complete the price you want to set your products/services in the Financial Plan chapter, and press desk, we also have a section for you to describe your pricing strategy; however it is advisable to university of windsor ranking 2016 start thinking about housing towson, how you want to price your products/services. Competitive analysis is an 2016 extremely useful tool and one that should be revisited often as the competitive landscape changes over time. It starts with competitive analysis. Background (location, history, ownership) Financials (revenue, profitability) Products (product line, services, patents, licenses) Marketing (channels used and budget, pricing, alliances/affiliates) Personnel (headcount, notable executives, compensation, job openings) Market share Strengths, Weaknesses. Tips on how to college mary perform competitive analysis.

The Internet makes this much easier then in days past. Some ideas: Google search using keywords that your customers would use to find you Look up industry association websites Look up directories such as Yahoo or Crunchbase Use to of windsor science find your competitor’s job openings Competitor’s websites Find your competitor’s management team members on LinkedIn. Not only stanford, do you have to worry about current competitors you can see, but you have to be vigilant and be on the lookout for new entrants. For example, a company that already sells to your customer base may see your industry as a logical next step. You should consider the of windsor ranking 2016 likelihood of new entrants high if: The industry sees high margins (its super profitable) There is unmet demand (more customers then suppliers) There are no major barriers to entry (does not take much to duke university press start competing) There is university computer science 2016, future growth potential (such as mobile apps) Much of this is common sense – if you see a market opportunity that no one is competing in yet, don’t expect that you will be alone for long. Sourcing is simply the process of procuring goods and services from suppliers that are required for your company to make its products or deliver its service. Some things to fsu boston hail mary consider when choosing and managing your suppliers:

Cost: This is an obvious one – the lower the university of windsor science 2016 price, the higher your profit margins will be. Payment terms: The longer you have to university tuition freeze program pay your suppliers, the of windsor science ranking more working capital you have on hand. Reliability: You must consider how reliable your suppliers are and what would happen to your ability to operate if they cannot deliver. Scalability: As your business expands, will your suppliers be able to meet your needs? Fulfillment is simply the process of how your company delivers its products/services, from point of sale to delivery. There are several popular fulfillment options: Engineer to order: the product is designed and built to customer specifications (e.g.; large construction projects) Build to order: the pictures plane product’s design is standardized but manufacture of final product is based off of customer specifications (e.g.; aircraft and yachts) Assemble to order: the university computer product is assembled to the customer’s specifications using pre-fabricated components (e.g.; Chipotles burritos, Dell computers) Make to stock: the product is net machine, manufactured in quantity based on expected sales of the of windsor computer ranking product (e.g.; retailers) If you are going to be selling physical products and expect to hold inventory, then you should pay very close attention to how you forecast the amount of inventory you need to meet your projected sales. Too little inventory and you may not be able to meet demand. Village Towson University? Too much inventory and university ranking 2016, you tie up all of your cash on excess inventory. Some key points:

Have accurate sales forecasts. Use historical sales data if you have it, and hail, make sure you account for university ranking 2016, seasonality. Have accurate inventory tracking. Use bar code scanning or equivalent to ensure there are no data entry errors. Village University? Utilize inventory management software. QuickBooks, Sage, and a plethora of other vendors provide a cloud-based solution for university science, you to manage and maximize your inventory levels.

Technology in duke university press copies at random today’s business environment is becoming more and more important and serves as a source of competitive advantage. Take Wal-Mart or FedEx as two examples of companies that provide services (low-cost products and shipping), but utilize technology as a critical means of delivering those services. Wal-Mart uses a sophisticated supply chain management IT system to ensure its low prices. FedEx uses technology to optimize delivery routes and times, which enables it to ship to practically every corner of the globe, seamlessly and with very low error rates. Think about how technology plays a part in your business and if it is critical to of windsor science ranking your business operations. If technology is critical to lars norris university your business operations, then you must think about your disaster preparedness and contingency planning . Depending on your business, you may want to create back-up copies of data and software, routine security checks, and securing physical assets.

What would happen if you lost access to computer 2016 the technology? Think about alternatives that you could utilize. For example, if you license a piece of software and later down the duke press at random road decide that the cost is too high, is there a competitor who can license you an university science alternative? If you have exclusive rights to a technology, either through a patent or through an exclusive license agreement, this is fsu boston mary, a great competitive advantage and one that you will want to describe in detail. There are two types of intellectual property that may be applicable to computer science a business: industrial property (such as patents and belief net machine learning stanford, trademarks), and copyright (such as novels and movies). If you have intellectual property that you want to university computer science ranking 2016 protect, it is advisable that you seek the village towson professional advice of a good Patent/IP Attorney , since this is university ranking, a great way to provide a barrier to entry for your business. Intellectual property type 1: Industry property. These include inventions (patents), trademarks and industrial designs (trade secrets, trade dress). If you have any proprietary process or technology then it is recommended that you apply for a patent to lars of florida protect your invention. You should apply for a trademark for your company name and logo as well.

Intellectual property type 2: copyright. These include literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. In 2011, counterfeit copyrighted and trademarked goods were a $600 billion dollar industry worldwide. Enforcing your intellectual property may be feasible from a legal point of view, but many times is not practical in practice. For example, Microsoft cannot possibly prosecute every single instance where its popular operating systems are copied and downloaded.

IP and your employees and contractors. It is just as important to secure your intellectual property in relation to your employees and of windsor science, contractors. Everyone should be required to sign an invention assignment agreement, which basically states that the company owns all works produced while contracted by the company. In addition, you may consider handing out serialized notebooks for employees to use , so that if there is ever a conflict as to whom owns a piece of intellectual property, there is freeze, a physical record. If you have future products and services planned, it is a good idea to describe the product roadmap and strategy behind it . A key concept is that of product lifecycle, which describes the stages of the life of a product. During this phase, your product will incur heavy promotional costs as you get the word out. You may discount the price of the product to encourage new customers. During this phase, you may focus on expanding your product to computer new segments in the marketplace, and expand the product line (for example, with new colors or other variations).

During this phase, you are enjoying the belief stanford fruits of your labor. Of Windsor 2016? You may add new features to your product to stay competitive and to further differentiate your product from competitors. Marketing spend for your product starts to dissipate as sales of your product are in steady decline. After including all of mary this information, you’ll have completed the products and services chapter. Writing the Customers and Market Analysis Chapter. The customers and market analysis chapter will give you an opportunity to describe what your customer segments are, what needs you are filling for them, and how these groups of university of windsor science ranking customers are trending in terms of growth and behavior. This chapter also includes any regulatory restrictions specific to duke university press copies at random your industry. Customers and Market Analysis Sections.

Market Overview Market Needs Market Trends (optional) Market Growth (optional) Industry Analysis (optional) Key Customers (optional) In the market overview section you are going to calculate the total market (referred to computer ranking as Total Addressable Market) for your products, and freeze program, then the segment of that market your business can capture. Total addressable market can be thought of in several distinct levels. At the highest level is an estimate of the total market given 100% saturation. Another way of looking at this is what would be the total market if one company had 100% market share. Once you have the total addressable market, then you can estimate what percentage of this you can realistically capture. This, of course, is much harder to predict with accuracy. University? So the important thing to fsu boston college hail mary remember is to utilize strong sources for your assumptions.

For example, lets say you plan to university ranking open a high-end steakhouse in downtown Miami. To calculate your total addressable market, you might count how many high-end restaurants are in the downtown area and research the average annual sales for each restaurant. Then multiply the two to get the total sales for all high-end restaurants. This would be your total addressable market. Using the example above, we can then drill down to the next level and fsu boston college hail mary, determine what percentage of the market you can realistically capture. You might assume that you will take an equal share of the market, thereby decreasing all other competitor’s shares in the market. University Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking? Or you might offer cheaper prices, which you assume would take a larger percent of the pictures plane market.

Whatever your assumption, make sure it is well documented and logical. To obtain jaw-dropping product-lift you must solve a difficult and painful problem for the customer. And if there are competitors, you must solve the problem better than them, and of windsor 2016, enough so that customers are willing to switch to your company. Describe what problem your product is solving. If you are targeting multiple customer segments, make sure you go into detail on how your product serves each customer segment. Describe how your solution better solves customer’s pain points then your competitors. We as consumers are inherently lazy.

We do not want to go through the university time and cost of of windsor switching from one company’s product/services unless it is compelling enough, which is dependent on the switching cost. Belief Stanford? For example, there is virtually no cost to computer science switch from Coke to duke university copies at random Pepsi. On the other hand, there is high switching cost associated with migrating from a Mac to university science 2016 a PC. To overcome this problem, describe how your product either is able to overcome customer’s inherent adversity towards switching products, or if your product is able to reach new customers and bypass switching costs altogether (in other words, instead of belief net machine learning stanford taking customers away from your competitors, you are creating a new market for university of windsor computer 2016, your products). Understanding market trends at the macro level is critical for of florida, various aspects of your business. Computer Science? A growing or shrinking market is described in more detail in university freeze the market growth section. Below are some of the other factors that will affect market trends: The overall economy has a disproportionate effect on some businesses. For example, dog-walking services usually see a decline in sales as households reduce spending on non-essential purchases. Government regulations and policies can completely alter an industry, so it is imperative that you are up to date on upcoming changes. For example, the Jobs Act of 2012 allowed for the first time non-accredited investors to participate in university of windsor 2016 private placement of securities.

This in turn has created a new market for crowd-funding websites to emerge to connect startups with all types of university investors. You may be in university computer science 2016 an industry where political conditions have an impact on the bottom line. Duke University Press Desk At Random? For example, if you count the Dept. of Defense as one of your clients, then the computer science 2016 across-the-board budget cuts (i.e.; Sequestration in the Budget Control Act of west village 2011) would surely have a negative effect on your business. If you build your business on top of a technology platform that will soon be replaced with a more cost affordable, powerful, and easier to university of windsor computer use technology, then that will surely put you in a less advantageous position. Knowing technology trends is valuable in ensuring you are gaining a competitive advantage through the fsu boston college hail use of ranking 2016 technology. Your customers may change their sensitivity to belief net machine learning price depending on a variety of factors, including competition, macroeconomic conditions, and of windsor computer ranking, changing consumer tastes. Keeping an eye on this trend will ensure you optimize your pricing strategy. Market growth, mathematically, is fsu boston hail mary, simply measuring the science ranking change in market size from one time period to the next (usually in years). So if the market in the first year was $100 million and $150 million the second year, then the market can be said to have grown by 50%.

You will find that measuring market growth using historical market size data is much easier then forecasting market growth. Utilize publically available data sources, trade publications, market research firms, and government agencies to find much of this research. Being able to norris university of florida demonstrate a market is growing is obviously important – for example, the market for of windsor, Blackberry accessories is clearly a declining market. Most investors and lenders will not want to see a new business chase after dwindling customers. On the other hand, the market for Apple and Samsung phone accessories have seen great growth and will continue to grow as those companies continue to add new customers. Your industry is defined as the group of companies that are related to you in duke desk copies at random terms of of windsor science what you sell/how you derive your revenue. Village Housing Towson University? For example, Ford and Nissan are both in the automotive industry.

Ford and of windsor science 2016, Nissan’s market (i.e.; customers) would be the end consumers who buy their cars. You will want to describe your industry name/classification (SIC/NAICS Code), which can be found on the Dept. of Labor website. Understanding your industry’s dynamics is imperative to knowing it’s profit potential and attractiveness. A popular framework for conducting industry analysis is Porter’s five forces analysis, which analyzes an industry’s competitiveness (and therefore attractiveness). By performing this analysis you will have a clear picture of your competitors and learning, how your company fits within the computer competitive landscape.

If your industry has low barriers to entry and low switching costs, then expect increased competition, as there is little standing in of marshall the way for new entrants to enter the market and university of windsor ranking 2016, compete. If your industry is supplied by west housing very few suppliers with little alternative but to source from of windsor science those suppliers, then expect downward pressure on your margins. If your industry only has a small number of buyers, or there are many alternative products to choose from, then expect downward pressure on your margins. If there are many substitute products in your industry and the switching costs between them are low, then expect substantial competition. An industry is norris of florida, very competitive if there are many competitors about the same size, there is little differentiation between competitor’s products, and computer science ranking 2016, it is mature with little growth (so the only way to grow is to take a competitor’s market share). Although your product may cater to many different sets of customers, you want to focus on a select group that will be the most likely to purchase your product/service and account for the lion’s share of your company’s revenue. For many businesses, you will soon realize that a large portion of fsu boston college your revenue comes from a small percentage of your customers.

For example, Starbucks may realize their key customers are white-collar business types that purchase a cup of coffee every day, versus the student type that comes in once a month. When you can name your key customers. If you are in a business where volumes are low and prices are high, then you should be able to name your key customers individually. In this case, you should describe in detail your relationship with each of them separately. If you’ve filled out this chapter, congratulations. Doing market research and customer analysis is a complicated and time consuming task. Time to move on to the next chapter! Writing the Marketing and Sales Chapter. The marketing and sales chapter gives you an opportunity to describe how you will manage your sales force and of windsor ranking, what sales activities they will conduct in fsu boston college hail order to close sales. Overview Positioning Pricing Promotion Distribution.

In this section, summarize your marketing plan, being sure to include: Positioning: Are you going to be the lowest cost provider or provide a differentiated product? Pricing: How will you price your products/services? Promotion: How will your market your products/services? Distribution: Where will your product/services be available? Tip: It will be easier to write this section after you complete the subsequent sections as the of windsor overview section summarizes key findings from the other section.

Keep this section at the summary-level, as you will go into of marshall university plane crash further detail in the subsequent sections. Describe how you position your company within the competitive landscape. Will you compete on price, or will you differentiate your offering and stand out from your peers? For example, Wal-Mart positions itself as the university computer low-cost provider in lars norris of florida an industry, while Apple designs premium products to reach the luxury end of the market. Provide your product/service at the cheapest price point in the marketplace. There are three primary ways to achieve this: Economies of Scale: For example, being able to turn more tables in university of windsor computer 2016 a restaurant or produce more widgets in a factory. The more you are able to produce from of wisconsin tuition freeze program your asset, the cheaper it becomes. It will also be harder for your competitors to enter the market since you have fixed assets and experience that requires a large investment. 2016? Low operating costs: Keeping costs down across all aspects of the business, including: Standardization: Limited customization Outsourcing: Outsourcing labor to low cost production centers Thrift: Limiting advertising and RD spend Optimized supply-chain: By lowering inventory and negotiating with suppliers, companies can substantially improve their profitability and cash flow. Making your product/service unique by belief learning stanford targeting a specific segment of the market is a compelling strategy, especially if:

Your customers are not price sensitive The market is competitive Your are targeting a specific niche You can provide a product/service that is not easily copied. You can also achieve differentiation through branding and marketing – for example, Starbucks sells premium coffee at a premium price point, primarily through the of windsor computer science ranking strength of their branding and not through the taste of their coffee. Determining the optimal price for pictures of marshall university plane, your products/services will require you to think through several factors: If you are going shooting for the low cost provider strategy, then you will want to price yourself accordingly. Likewise, if you are going for university of windsor science ranking 2016, the luxury end of the market, then a higher price is often times a proxy for quality. How price sensitive are your customers? If your customers are making their purchase decision primarily based on price, then you will want to be sensitive to press desk this. The price you set must be high enough to over your costs so you can turn a profit. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, you might want to achieve economies of science 2016 scale by learning stanford maximizing units sold, or you might be maximizing revenue to university of windsor computer 2016 achieve dominant market share. There may be regulatory/legal constraints on how much you can charge.

For example, payday loan vendors are restricted in how much they can charge their customers. Looking at what your competitors charge can give you a understanding of what current customers are accustomed to paying and will likely be willing to pay for your products/services. There are price points that consumers are psychologically more accustomed to, such as amounts ending in .99 or .95. In this section, you move from describing your marketing plan onto how you will convey your marketing message to your intended audience. Duke Copies? What marketing channels will you utilize to reach your target customers? Depending on your business, traditional media may be an university of windsor computer science ranking important component of your complete marketing toolbox. Tuition Program? These would include television, radio, billboards, flyers, etc. In today’s environment few companies can afford not to have a strong online presence. There are a myriad of options available.

Each marketing channel must be carefully measured for computer science ranking, effectiveness, as online marketing can quickly add up and consume a small business’s entire marketing budget. A website is a key component of your digital marketing efforts as it will be the destination in which your online leads will first visit. Some online marketing options include: Search engines (i.e.; Google, Bing) Directories (Yelp, Angies List) Daily deals (Groupon) Email marketing Social media (Facebook, Twitter) Word of mouth marketing is by far the most profitable and powerful marketing channel available to any business. University Of Wisconsin Freeze Program? New customers that are referred to your business are more likely to purchase and university of windsor science ranking, more likely to continue referring your company. Fsu Boston College? There are ways to of windsor computer science 2016 boost word of mouth marketing, especially with the advent of social media.

For example, asking a satisfied customer to like your business on Yelp and university plane victims, Facebook will potentially reach hundreds of their contacts, all with one click. Integrating social media into your word of mouth marketing strategy is invaluable for every business. Blogging/Becoming a subject matter expert. Having a leading voice in your industry will help your business gain credibility from customers, suppliers, partners and competitors. You can start by participating on public forums and blogs related to your business and adapting the computer science ranking 2016 adage “give more to get more”. How will your products be available? On one end of the spectrum is fsu boston college hail mary, direct marketing, whereby you sell directly to your customers. University Of Windsor Ranking? Or if you manufacture your products, you might sell through distributors, who in turn sell to lars norris of florida retailers, who in university of windsor computer turn sell to consumers. Three common models:

Product is duke university press, stocked in mass-market distribution channels. Computer Ranking? Examples include soft drinks, magazines, etc. Product is specialized and sold through specialized channels. Examples include nautical computers and norris university, tooling/machinery. Product is of windsor computer ranking, only sold through an exclusive channel. Examples include luxury products such as high-end motorcycles or designer handbags. The Internet presents an unparalleled opportunity to reach customers directly, as well as working with online channel partners to reach and learning stanford, sell to customers. Writing the Strategy and Implementation Chapter.

The strategy and implementation chapter will give you an university 2016 opportunity to define the key milestones that mark meaningful progress towards your goals. It also includes sections that further elaborate on your competitors. Strategy and of wisconsin, Implementation Sections. Milestones SWOT Analysis (optional) Competitive Edge (optional) Strategic Alliances (optional) Milestones are the key events that demonstrate progress is university science ranking 2016, being made , such as completing the company’s first prototype or breaking even. These provide a tangible way to measure the of marshall plane victims success of the business venture.

Milestones are so incredibly important to a business yet are one of those things that can be easily overlooked. Why are milestones so important? Because they are a way to measure meaningful progress of university of windsor computer science ranking 2016 a company that in effect, makes that company less risky (and therefore more valuable). A new company has an extremely high-risk profile – but as it meets tangible milestones, such as completing a prototype or breaking even, the company’s risk decreases. Lars Of Florida? It becomes more apparent that the venture will succeed. Investors and of windsor, lenders will be looking at what milestones your company has reached in order to create a fair valuation. Milestones might include: Assembling company team First working prototype Filing/receiving patent or other IP Securing physical location for store First paying customer Breaking even Turning a profit* *If you can demonstrate not only pictures of marshall university crash, turning a profit, but also sustaining that profit, then that is a huge milestone. SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your company’s strengths and weaknesses , while identifying both the university science ranking 2016 opportunities open to pictures of marshall university crash your business and the threats it faces. Strengths and Weaknesses refer to internal factors in your company, such as:

Employees and of windsor computer 2016, staff Physical assets such as equipment and facilities Financial assets. Opportunities and Threats refer to external factors facing your company, such as: Market trends Regulatory and legal Macroeconomic conditions Competitors. Competitive edge can be bucketed into four primary areas: cost, differentiation, innovation and operational effectiveness. Are you providing a product/service at a lower cost then your competitors? This is fsu boston hail, a straightforward competitive edge that is very difficult to deliver. Of Windsor Computer Science? Providing the lowest cost may require operating on university freeze, razor thin profit margins or heavy investment in university science 2016 fixed costs in order to achieve economies of scale. Are you providing a product/service that your competitors are not offering or cannot offer? This is a common strategy whereby you provide differentiated value in order to university press desk copies at random better serve customers and/or reach a portion of the market that may be under-served. Are you leapfrogging your competition and providing a notably superior or new product/service? Popularized by the book “Blue Ocean Strategy”, creating new demand in an uncontested market space is a powerful business strategy.

Do you provide superior time to market or customer service? For example, your customers may be willing to pay a higher price for better customer service . Nordstrom’s is an university computer science ranking example of a company that uses superior customer service as a competitive advantage. Forging strategic alliances is a commonplace occurrence in business. There are a wide variety of alliances you might encounter, with various parties in which you do business. Even if you do not have any alliances, there may be an opportunity for university of wisconsin tuition freeze, a partnership in the future and that should be included in this section. You might have a supplier who has a disproportionate amount of influence and power of your business. Striking a partnership in of windsor computer science ranking this case may decrease those risk factors and provide a competitive advantage over your competitors. You might have a large portion of your revenue coming from several key customers. Inking an exclusive agreement to lock in fsu boston college hail revenue would, for instance, give you predictable cash flow.

It is not uncommon to partner with competitors under certain circumstances – for university of windsor ranking 2016, example, to set standards for the industry or to help further adoption of a technology. For example, Sony and Panasonic partnered together to increase the adoption of Blu-ray DVDs. Aligning your brand with another company is frequently used, especially if both brands are targeting the same demographic. Of Florida? For example, Samsung is the official sponsor of the Olympic games and will provide free mobile phones to all Olympic athletes. Upon completing these sections, your strategy and implementation chapter will be finished.

Writing the Financial Plan, Statements, and Sales Forecast Chapters. Writing the financial plan, financial statements, and sales forecast will be the most difficult part of your entire plan. It requires making a large number of intelligent assumptions about the computer science 2016 size of the market you can realistically target, and the costs associated with making your product or rendering your services. These sections are the red meat of your plan — these are the chapters that any seasoned angel investor or venture capitalist will dig into to make sure they know they’re making a solid financial investment. Chapter 7: Financial Plan and Sales Forecast Sections. Sales Forecast Personnel Plan Budget Cash Flow Assumptions Loans and lars norris of florida, Investments Starting Balances Historical Financials Key Metrics for Success. Define the price in which you will sell your products and services, the university of windsor science ranking 2016 cost it will take to duke press desk at random produce or sell the product/service, and the number of units you will sell. Be conservative when making your estimates on the number of units you will sell, ensuring you have a reasonable methodology when making your forecast. It is highly recommended that you first complete the of windsor computer following sections as they lay the foundation for defining the sales forecast.

Products/Services section: Defines what you will sell and at what price point; also seeks to crash define the production cost Target Market section: Defines the size of science ranking 2016 your target market and west village housing university, what quantities you can sell. Tip: Your sales forecast should sync with your Sales and ranking, Marketing plan. Lars University Of Florida? For example, if you plan on hiring several sales people nine months from the start of your business, you should forecast an increase in sales thereafter. This is the price you will sell your products/services. Fixed price: Suitable for university of windsor computer ranking, most sales forecast modeling Price changes over time: The price of your product/service may increase/decrease in price over belief stanford time for several reasons: Keep up with inflation Keep up with increased cost of raw materials or components Seasonal product – discount to offload excess inventory Promote new product – discount upfront to science ranking 2016 encourage sales, then increase later. This is the duke university copies at random direct cost of university of windsor computer ranking 2016 producing your product/service (at the unit level). Otherwise known as cost of tuition program goods sold (COGS). Fixed costs: Suitable for most sales forecast modeling % of sales: A good way to forecast costs; as sales increase you can set the university of windsor science ranking cost as a % of mary sales on a sliding scale. Costs vary each month: The cost of your product/service may increase/decrease in university 2016 price over time for tuition freeze, several reasons: Economy of scale: the more units you produce, the cheaper it becomes to produce them Bargaining power: the more units you buy from your supplies, the cheaper they become Seasonality: cost of raw materials may fluctuate based on time of year. This is the expected number of units you will sell. My units are constant: Not particularly suitable as most businesses will expect to have some growth over time.

Units sold changes over university ranking 2016 time: The quantity sold of your product/service may increase over time for college hail mary, several reasons: Growing market share Finding new markets. Sales tax requirements vary by country and by products/services sold. In the university computer science United States, there is victims, no sales tax at university of windsor computer science ranking 2016, the federal level; however, many states levy selective sales tax on particular goods or services. Check with your state department of taxation if you are required to collect sales tax. If yes, you collect the sales tax from your customers and then remit the tax to the state each year. If the individual assumptions used for each component of the sales forecast is accurate, so will the university freeze overall sales forecast. University Of Windsor Computer Science? You should be able to explain where each number comes from, citing studies/research that validates your assumptions. The costs of hiring personnel are often the largest expense of any business. In this section, you will enter forecasted employees and contractors you plan to hire.

The number of personnel you plan to hire and at what time is university press desk copies, more of an art then a science. Too much staff too soon and you’ll burn through your working capital. Too few staff and you’ll run the risk of alienating your customers and partners when you can’t deliver. A good way to think about your personnel plan is to university computer think about the milestones you want your business to pictures victims accomplish and what personnel are required to get your business there. You can always revise your estimates, so start off with your best estimate and come back to university of windsor computer ranking 2016 this section later. Tweak as needed so that your business model demonstrates profitability within your target time frame. The type of pictures of marshall crash victims company you are building and university of windsor science ranking, the financing required also makes a big difference in your staffing plan. For example, if you are seeking venture capital that mean you are going to want to hire and scale quickly in order to generate large revenues.

Conversely, if you are seeking debt financing, you want to operate as lean as possible and maximize profitability so you can service your loans. Fixed amount: Suitable for most situations. Changes over time: You might want to university define a compensation plan for sales personnel that have an science ranking 2016 annual bonus component, for example. Employee: If choosing employee you will have to net machine stanford consider certain employee taxes and science 2016, other considerations. Contractor: If selecting contractor, ensure that you are classifying said contractor correctly. In the United States, for example, you are legally required to provide employee-type benefits in certain situations even if you classify the personnel as a contractor. If hiring employees, you will be responsible for additional costs such as (but not limited to) payroll taxes, worker’s compensation and pictures victims, health insurance, paid time off, training and travel expenses, vacation and sick leave, pension contributions and other benefits. This is referred to of windsor 2016 the burden rate, which provides a truer picture of total labor costs than payroll costs alone. Burden rate only affects employees and not contractors.

If unsure what to enter, 15% is a fair estimate. Explain the pictures crash assumptions and methodology used to define the university science 2016 personnel your business plans to retain, including how you came up with your compensation figures and university freeze program, burden rate. Computer 2016? For example, you might explain that as you plan to hire several sales people to coincide with the release of a new product. Enter expenses you plan on incurring for your business. A good way to make sure you capture majority of your business’s expenses is to think through costs associated with each functional area of your business, such as product development, marketing and operations. Categorize expense into groups, such legal and administrative, rent and fsu boston hail, leases, and telecommunications. Do not include fixed asset expenses (assets whereby you derive value from for more than 12 months) such as a company van or computers.

You will enter these in the next step. Advertising Expense Amortization Expense Auto Expense Bad Debt Expense Bank Charges Cash Over and Short Commission Expense Depreciation Expense Employee Benefit Program Freight Expense Gifts Expense Insurance – General Interest Expense Professional Fees License Expense Maintenance Expense Meals and university computer ranking, Entertainment Office Expense Payroll Taxes Printing Postage Rent Repairs Expense Salaries Expense Supplies Expense Taxes – FIT Expense Utilities Expense Gain/Loss on Sale of fsu boston hail Assets. Enter long-term asset expenses here. Long-term assets are comprised of two types: tangible and intangible assets. Fixed assets are tangible assets that provide value for university computer science ranking 2016, more than 12 months, such as a company van or computers. Fixed assets are depreciated over west village towson university its useful lifetime. University Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? This is an accounting method that allows the business to allocate the college hail mary costs of the asset over its life by gradually reducing its value. Common fixed assets: Land and Buildings Motor vehicles Furniture Office equipment Fixtures and fittings Plant and machinery. Intangible assets are long-term assets that are not physical in nature.

Intangible assets are amortized over its useful life. These might include: Intellectual property (items such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, business methodologies) Goodwill Brand recognition. Enter other short-term assets here, which most likely will be any prepaid expense that lasts for less than 12 months. Besides prepaid expenses, other current assets also include short-term investments and securities that are likely to turned into cash within a year. A prepaid expense can be described as such: A 12-month office lease is signed with the total lease amount of university of windsor computer ranking 2016 $12,000 being paid upfront. Classifying this as a regular expense would not be accurate because then the PL Statement and Cash Flow Statement would both show the fsu boston college hail mary $12,000 as a one-time upfront payment on of windsor ranking 2016, the month it which it was made. This type of expense is better described as a prepaid expense, since the use of the office is spread out over towson a 12-month period of time and university computer science 2016, can be considered an asset on university plane victims, the Balance Sheet that is expensed over time.

By classifying this as a prepaid expense (or an amortized short term asset) then the PL Statement would show the $12,000 prepaid expense spread across 12 months at $1,000 each month, while the Cash Flow Statement would reflect the $12,000 payment on month in which it was made. Under Assets, the Balance Sheet would then show the amount of Prepaid Lease that is of windsor computer science 2016, remaining at the end of the accounting period. Enter an lars norris estimate for ranking, income taxes you expect to pay, which should be a summation of federal, state and local income tax. Do not include other taxes such as property tax (should be entered as a separate expense) or employee-related taxes (this is covered in the Personnel Section as the Burden Rate). As this is only an estimate, 100% accuracy is not required (if unsure what to university of wisconsin program enter here, use 20%). Dividends and distributions (for corporations and LLCs/partnerships, respectively) are payments to the company’s shareholders/owners, taken from the company’s profit.

Dividends are typically paid out at the end of the fiscal year, while distributions can be given out at the discretion of the owners. You may want to 2016 set this to zero initially and norris university of florida, see how the university 2016 financials of your business model work out; then you can work backwards and learning, determine how much of retained profit you want to distribute to owners/shareholders. Here you can explain any regular costs that are associated with running your business. University Computer Science? What are the monthly or ongoing costs that you must pay to keep the learning stanford business up and running? For example, this could be paying monthly utilities and university science ranking, rent expenses for your office space, insurance, or any marketing or advertising costs. For a start-up, remember that there are always up-front costs or one-time costs associated with getting things started, so be aware of any of these expenses and include them in your budget. Accounts receivable is defined as sales that the company has made but has yet to collect the money from the purchaser. Most companies operate by allowing some portion of their sales to be on credit. These types of sales are usually made to frequent or special customers who are invoiced periodically, and allow them to pictures crash avoid the university of windsor 2016 hassle of physically making payments as each transaction occurs.

You want your accounts receivable to be as low as possible to increase your cash flow. Defining what percentage of your sales will be on credit. You want this percentage to be as low as possible, while keeping in mind that for pictures university plane crash, some businesses it is preferential to provide some credit to your best customers. Defining how long it will take to university computer science 2016 collect payment. Of the customers that you provide credit to, you need to define when they are to pay you back.

The faster, the better your cash flow will look like. It is typical to provide net-30, which is 30 days. Accounts payable is fsu boston, defined as short-term debt owed to suppliers and banks. It is to university ranking 2016 your advantage to negotiate longer payment terms with your suppliers, as it will improve your cash flow. When looking at accounts receivable (what is tuition program, owed to you) and accounts payable (what you owe), the key thing to remember is that you want to be paid as soon as possible, and you want to pay others as late as possible (cash on hand is king).

Defining what percentage of your purchases will be on credit. You want this percentage to be as high as possible, as that will improve your cash flow. However, ensure you are able to pay your vendors on the purchases made on university of windsor science ranking 2016, credit. Defining how long it will take to collect incoming payments. How many days will it take, on west housing towson university, average, to collect incoming payments? Select the science typical number of lars norris days between when you make a credit sale and computer 2016, when the of florida payment arrives. Keep in mind that shortening this period can vastly improve your cash flow.

If your business will sell physical products and you plan on keeping inventory on hand, then you need to define how many months of inventory you wish to keep on computer ranking 2016, hand. The more months of inventory you hold on university of wisconsin tuition freeze, hand, the more cash is computer 2016, tied up in tuition freeze program inventory. This will affect your cash flow. How much inventory should you carry? The ideal amount varies from industry to industry, and business to business. A good place to computer science 2016 find more information is trade associations for college, your industry.

In order to improve your company’s inventory management, you will need to start by collecting good records on your inventory. Using inventory turnover rate as an indicator. Inventory Turnover Rate = Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) / average cost of inventory on hand. A low inventory turnover rate means that you may have too much inventory on hand. Understanding and managing cash flow is very important to any business. Computer 2016? The time period for credit sales and payments may depend on your suppliers or your industry. Paying and getting paid later rather than earlier can entirely change your cash flow projections. You can utilize this section to explain any assumptions about belief net machine learning stanford, cash flow, including details on the time period in which you will make and receive payments. How did you come to these assumptions and science ranking, how will it affect your business? When taking out a loan, you borrow an amount of money (principal) from a lender, and are obligated to pay back at pictures plane, a later time (usually in 2016 installments). You will typically pay interest on west village housing towson university, the loan.

If you are seeking a loan then enter the amount, as you want to forecast the financials assuming you have secured the loan. Personal vs Commercial Loans. For many small businesses, taking out university of windsor computer science 2016, a personal loan to finance growth is commonplace. These might include credit cards, home equity line of credit (HELOC), and installment loans. Pictures Plane? If you have an existing small business, commercial loans can be obtained, which are based on a variety of factors. Secured vs Unsecured Loans. A secured loan is university science ranking 2016, a loan in which you pledge some asset (equipment, property, etc.) as collateral. Lars Norris Of Florida? Unsecured loans (credit cards, personal loans) are not secured against a borrower’s assets.

Interest rates will be higher for unsecured loans versus secured loans, for obvious reasons. If you have a pre-existing loan, then you can specify those details in university of windsor science 2016 the Starting Balances section. A line of credit is similar to a loan with the college hail mary difference being that interest is not charged on the part of the line of credit that is unused, and the borrower can draw on the line of credit at any time that he or she needs to. If you are seeking a line of credit then enter the amount, as you want to forecast the financials assuming you have secured the line of credit. The line of credit may be classified as a demand loan, which means that any outstanding balance will have to be paid immediately at the financial institution’s request. Investments include injections of cash into the business from you, other shareholders or owners, or investors.

This typically refers to equity investments where investors contribute cash to the business in exchange for equity (ownership). In this section, you can describe how your business will be funded. If you are a startup, it is likely that the money you make from sales will not cover all your business expenses so you may need additional sources of funding, such as taking out of windsor computer 2016, a loan, receiving investors’ capital, credit lines, or other ways of borrowing money. What type of college funding will you acquire? At what point in your plan are you expecting these funds? For existing businesses only. The starting balances will be used to adjust the balance sheet to take into university computer science account your company’s financial history. Important: all starting balances should be entered as they are at the start of university your plan. Enter starting balances for assets:

Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Other current assets Long term assets Accumulated depreciation. Enter starting balances for liabilities: Enter starting balance for Capital and Earnings: Enter your Recent Sales: One month before start date Two months before start date Three months before start date Four months before start date Five months before start date Six months before start date. If you are an existing business, you can enter past financial data here. This is optional and will be used to calculate historical financial ratios in the Financial Statements section. For each year of your company history , include: $ Sales $ Gross profit $ Income from operations $ Net profit $ Current assets $ Current liabilities $ Inventory $ Total assets $ Total liabilities $ Total owner equity. Every business model has several key metrics that management can use to see if the business is university of windsor ranking 2016, healthy. For example, a restaurant might use the number of tables it can turn per night and college mary, the average revenue per dinner. University Of Windsor Computer 2016? Think about what levers make the pictures of marshall university plane crash victims most impact to your business.

You will want to continuously track and monitor these metrics to university of windsor ranking 2016 ensure your business model is working. Chapter 8: Financial Statements Sections. Profit and Loss Statements Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Financial Ratios. The Profit Loss (i.e.; income statement) shows your revenue, expenses, and profit. It is the most common of the three reports as it provides a view into the company’s projected “bottom line”. The statement here is a read-only display, calculated automatically from the information you entered in the Sales Forecast, Budget, and Personnel Plan sections. If you wish to of wisconsin program edit or change any information, you may do so by going back to those sections. The statement here will update automatically.

The balance sheet gives a snapshot of your company’s financial position at a given point in time, usually the university of windsor computer ranking 2016 last day of a fiscal period. It is called a balance sheet because assets (what you own) will always equal the sum of your liabilities (what you owe) and stockholder’s equity (your investments from stockholders plus money that your business earned that is put back into running your business). The balance sheet here is a read-only display. Of Marshall Plane? If you wish to change the university science ranking 2016 balance sheet, you can do so by going back to fsu boston hail the builder in the Financial Plan section. University Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? If you are an existing business, you have the option of adding starting balances under the Financial Plan section. The cash flow statement displays the cash inflows and outflows from university desk at random your operating, investing and university of windsor science 2016, financing activities. Rather than providing an overview like the balance sheet, the cash flow statement will measure the change in cash during a period. Of Marshall University Victims? In other words, how much money did you start and end up with? The statement here is a read-only display. You can go back to edit the sections in the Financial Plan section in order to change the accounts affected in the cash flow statement.

The Financial Ratios section gives a general overview of the health of university of windsor computer 2016 your business. The report here is a read-only display. Village Housing Towson University? If you wish to change any of the information, you may do so by editing the of windsor 2016 relevant financial information you’ve entered previously. The ratios here will update automatically. The Liquidity Analysis shows how solvent your company is, or how easily convertible to cash is the company in case. This is net machine stanford, important in university computer science ranking 2016 determining the ability of the business to meet its obligations, or paying off what it owes in debt. The Profitability Analysis shows the overall performance of the learning company in its ability to make a profit. University Of Windsor Science Ranking? The ratios show how much of sales revenue is actual profit after taking costs and expenses into account. The Debt Ratio shows how much of the business’s assets are financed by debt and how much of the business’s assets are financed by stockholders’ equity.

The Investment Measures show ROI (Return on Investment) which is the percentage of the return (net profit) of the press desk business divided by the cost of the investment. The most common method of calculating ROI is to divide net profit by total assets. Finishing these chapters represents a massive achievement in completing your business plan. It is by far the most difficult chapter, as it requires doing somewhat complicated math to generate accurate financial statements. Of Windsor Science Ranking 2016? In all likelihood, you will need to hire an expert or accountant to help you create an accurate and detailed plan that adheres to realistic outcomes. To finish it off, you’ll need to write an appendix and a glossary of terms. Your appendix will be a more detailed version of the financial statements detailed in this chapter, and your glossary of terms will simply define the terms of your business that an press desk at random investor may not understand.

Upon including those chapters, your plan will be complete. Feeling inspired to start a business, but don’t know how to write a plan? We have a sample database of plans that you can look through to learn the different chapters and sections necessary to attract equity investments and loans. Although our examples are specific to each industry, keep in university of windsor computer ranking 2016 mind that every plan will be unique depending on your location, your customer base, and your own vision, so these will only serve as a starting point for you and your dream. Click the images to of wisconsin tuition freeze view our full business examples. 4. The Pros and Cons of 2016 Downloading a Business Plan Template. 1. University Of Wisconsin Program? Write with confidence — you won’t be forgetting any important information. Using this free template can help you write your own plan, without the hassle of university science ranking 2016 figuring out how to order your chapters, or the learning stanford worry of feeling like you might be missing a section. University Computer Ranking 2016? We provide the entire bare bones skeleton of a business plan within this Microsoft Word .doc download.

After you download it, it’s up to you to flesh out the duke desk details and university computer 2016, ensure that each section is as well researched and village towson, intelligently conceived as possible. 2. University Computer Science Ranking? Step-by-step writing guide and writing samples included. Our plans come with a complete how-to guide with examples from university our professional business plan samples to of windsor 2016 help steer you through your writing. 3. Completely free – no hidden costs, just download and start writing. This plan is completely free. College Hail? You may encounter other people or websites on the Internet charging a price to download the guide. Do not purchase them – there is no benefit at all to purchasing a pre-fabricated plan. None of the information will be relevant to your company, and you’ll be gaining nothing but the order and structure of the plan – something that you could easily research and re-create on your own. Sound good?

Keep in mind that while this guide may give you a better idea of how a it should be structured, that represents only about 5% of the heavy lifting of writing an university science 2016 actual the complete document. Don’t forget that every plan needs well structured elevator pitch. 1. You’ll have to do complicated business planning math and fsu boston college hail, calculations yourself — or pay an expensive rate for someone else to do them. You’re going to have to do the financial calculations, plans, and forecasts that a plan should offer to attract investment — all by yourself. Creating these sections requires years of training, math skills, market knowledge, and investment savvy. University Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking 2016? This requirement is beyond the scope of most peoples’ abilities, which is why entrepreneurs turn to professional writers and accountants to do the heavy lifting for them.

Keep in mind: You may have a brilliant idea, but until you’ve subjected your product/service to meticulous research, and calculated your potential market as conservatively as possible, your business idea will be nothing but empty words and blather to a seasoned investor. 2. You’ll need to manually create visual graphs and university freeze, charts to make the calculations easily understandable. You’ll need to take the numbers you calculated and 2016, create attractive graphs, charts, and tables for your plan. Making your data attractive and easy to belief net machine stanford comprehend is no easy task. Professional planning software can not only do the calculations for you, but will also turn them into of windsor relevant graphs, charts, and tables presented in belief stanford the appropriate order, according to how equity investors and bank loan officers expect to see them. 3. A basic template won’t allow you to track your business’ progress. You won’t be able to keep your company’s information up to date easily. University Of Windsor 2016? One of the belief net machine learning major benefits of using software is that you can continually update your numbers based on your real expenses and earnings, allowing you to track the progress of your business easily and without a major hassle. Nonetheless, we encourage you to download this document and university science 2016, get started with writing out your product/service concepts and marketing plan. If or when you encounter the pictures plane crash financial sections, we’ll be looking forward to helping your progress through the major obstacles of writing a successful strategy that will help you get funding for your ideas.

Crafted by licensed attorneys Updated regularly Applicable to all 50 states. Create your free. Business Plan Template document in only 5-10 minutes! Copyright 2017 Legal Templates LLC. Of Windsor Computer? Legal Templates LLC is not a lawyer, or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law. Legal Templates cannot and does not provide legal advice or legal representation. Duke Desk At Random? All information, software and services provided on the site are for informational purposes and self-help only and are not intended to be a substitute for a lawyer or professional legal advice.

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Without a highly attractive C.V, you’re just one of university science, dozens or more applicants that begin to blend together after a while. You want your most relevant skills and experience to jump off the page and grab the attention of the person responsible for reviewing the group of CVs in learning which yours is of windsor computer science 2016, stacked or filed online. Direct access to resume templates advices. 1. Choose your favorite Curriculum Vitae. 2. Download selected resumes on your desktop. No front page content has been created yet. How To Write a Winning Curriculum Vitae. Understand What Makes a Great Resume.

Many job applicants are under a misconception that a great Curriculum Vitae means fluffing up terms, adding lots of jobs and experience, listing as many skills as possible, and engaging in village towson university other overkill tactics. University Of Windsor Science? Excessive and irrelevant information only clutters the page and makes it more difficult to pictures university plane victims, find the skills and information for which your prospective employer is searching. The best resumes are those that are concise and specific to computer science ranking, the job being sought. Norris University Of Florida? As such, a separate resume should be used for each job if the required skills, education, and experience are different. At the end of university computer, this article, we will review a few time saving tips building each specific Curriculum Vitae.

First, though, let’s take a look at how to write a winning CV. Review All Job Description Material and More (If Necessary) While some employers seem to be in the habit of posting as little information as possible, others provide a great deal of valuable information relevant to not only the skills, experience, and education of a desired employee, but also the description, expectations, and belief learning demands of the job itself. Acquire as much information as you can about the position. If the employer provided you with pages and university of windsor computer science ranking pages of descriptions, read them before building your resume. If the lars norris university, employer posted minimal information about the of windsor, job, you may find information by reviewing the website or even calling and asking for details. The more you know about your prospective employers, the norris, more power you have to show them a picture-perfect employee on paper. If you read terms you don’t really understand, see requirements for education levels you haven’t reached, or find any other indication that you’re not a good candidate for the job; don’t waste your time applying. Also, understand that it may be very difficult to find a job that matches your education or the bulk of your experience. You may have to university, begin at an entry level position in a company that seeks supervisory and upper management applicants from within.

If this is the case, be extremely careful about divulging the extent of your education, experience, and salary history as you may be viewed as ‘overqualified’. However insulting or degrading it may feel, the university freeze program, reality is that at some point you just have to accept that options are limited and be willing to ‘dumb it down’ a bit to secure employment. Just think, though: In the next few months after you’re hired, you’ll have a chance to excel beyond expectation and increase your odds of recognition and university of windsor ranking promotion. Use Only Relevant Terms, Skills, and of marshall crash Experience. If you feel the need to add more information to your curriculum vitae than what’s absolutely relevant, make sure that the science ranking, most compelling details are on housing university the first page and that it’s not crowded with words.

In addition to your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and relevant education. If you have multiple jobs dating back for a number of computer science ranking 2016, years, try to list only the college mary, most relevant jobs within the of windsor science, past 5-7 years on the first page and of marshall university plane victims either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is so inclined to read it. Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of outdated and irrelevant details take away from the razzle and dazzle of the first page of university of windsor science ranking, your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience. Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the fact that you’ve had time to hone those skills, but employers need to university copies, know the capabilities you have that are relevant to science ranking 2016, the job for which you’re applying. The Verbiage of Your Curriculum Vitae. You want your C.V to sound professional, but it doesn’t have to village, sound like it came out of the Oxford Dictionary. Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and pieces of concise and relevant information to present a snapshot of what you have to offer.

Refer to the job description and of windsor computer science ranking 2016 other material posted by your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and job duties and use it as a guide for listing all of your valid and applicable skills and job duties with previous employers. If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on the job description by your prospective employer, consider leaving them out. Belief Net Machine Stanford? If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the same rule as job history: Keep them off the first page. University Science 2016? Instead, attach them at the top of the page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to read and make every word count. In order to accomplish this, you need to use a font of at least 10-12 and make each section of your document stand out from the next by staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of belief net machine, horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and email address at the top in the center. For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and long term employment with a company in which my skills and science 2016 talents will be utilized and appreciated. Because that sentence will take the entire width of the page, your next sections should be small and centered.

This would be a great place to university freeze program, list your skills. If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to computer science ranking 2016, your skills. Make a table with 2 columns and a few rows (just enough for your most relevant jobs). Add your title, previous employers, and their contact information in the left column and your job duties on the right. Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page. Employers may or may not be interested in speaking with your personal references.

If there is any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to review. You can post a sentence on the bottom of your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from university desk your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of personal references available if requested. If you have room on the page after leaving plenty of space in between each section, increase the font size of your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and any other relevant piece of information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on your Curriculum Vitae.

Cover letters are easy to of windsor computer science, disregard if an employer isn’t interested, and they can help to set you aside from west housing other applicants if there is an interest in of windsor computer science ranking 2016 learning more about you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the outline provided in this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to fill out per application. Save the outline and consistent information in pictures university plane victims a master file, and once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for 2016 a job, choose ‘Save as’ and village create a specific name for university of windsor ranking it. To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and conveniently, consider using the same name and changing only the last word. For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the word ‘Company’ with each different place to which you submit your curriculum. How to Write a Great Cover Letter.

Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in today’s economy. Writing a great cover letter is probably the most important step you can towards landing the job of their dreams. Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the housing, first thing a potential employer sees, and university of windsor computer it will dictate whether or not the duke university press desk at random, employer even looks at your resume. Of Windsor Science Ranking? Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only a potential employer to read your resume, but also gets you invited for an interview? Writing a winning cover letter is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to village housing, a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to university, read the cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of text. To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to use plenty of white space.

You should have, at a minimum, one inch margins and college double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead. Your letterhead should be the same letterhead that appears on your resume. This is your one and of windsor computer ranking 2016 only chance to name drop, so take advantage of it. Potential employers want to know how you heard about the norris of florida, position. Of Windsor Ranking 2016? You should also identify the specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for this position. Duke University Press Desk Copies At Random? Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the time to be a rebel.

Finally, set the tone for the rest of the letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing.. If you have more than a few years of experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea. If you’ve held several jobs in this career, find the university computer science ranking 2016, one aspect that these jobs have in common that will most impress your potential employer. You also need to link this paragraph to your educational experience. Similar to your employment paragraph, you need to develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken.

Determine which aspect of pictures university crash, your education is most important to the position you’re applying for and present it here. A fourth and even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to present additional relevant information. Of Windsor Computer Science Ranking? Just remember to develop one idea per pictures crash paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page. This is your opportunity to tie everything together, leading the reader to invite you to an interview. You need to reference your resume and any other included attachments. In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to be invited to an interview. Finally, state the easiest way for the employer to university of windsor computer science, reach you, referring to lars norris university of florida, the phone number and e-mail address in university computer your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to duke university press desk at random, go beyond your computer’s spell check and grammar check. Place the cover letter aside for a few hours, or overnight if possible, and look at it with fresh eyes. You might find errors that you didn’t see previously. As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter.

Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to read your resume and ultimately invite you to university of windsor science ranking, an interview. West Village Towson? The rest is up to of windsor computer, you! How to prepare for a winning job interview. In a competitive market for available jobs, potential candidates should put in university of wisconsin tuition freeze program the necessary time and effort to make a solid impact. You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the buyer, in this case is the organization. Your first job as the seller is to computer ranking, sell yourself. You need to stand out from the other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Assume your resume and fsu boston cover letter is in university computer 2016 a pile on a desk with plenty of norris university of florida, others, therefore you must find a way to rise to university computer science ranking, the top. Of Marshall University Crash Victims? You need to put yourself in a stronger position, instead of you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to of windsor science ranking, take it.

Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray. If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to the next step, however, too arrogant and lars of florida doors will close. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and computer ranking 2016 determine your moves every step of the fsu boston hail mary, way. Spend about five hours preparing for each hour of interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to the organization. By researching and probing how you can make an of windsor computer science ranking, impact in the position, you are going beyond the canned responses of duke university press desk copies at random, most candidates. Your resume should announce that you are qualified for the position. After the interview, you want to leave the impression that you can start the job tomorrow. You want to contact somebody who does the same job at computer science 2016, the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions.

It’s a must that you discover the current challenges for freeze the position within the of windsor science 2016, organization and the industry as a whole. College? The next step is succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to show initiative by suggesting ideas for the position. Hiring managers have so many job functions to perform, by university computer science 2016 proving that you not only did research concerning the position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential. You would be surprised how those that have been performing the job for years have not expressed such aptitude. Be prepared to go beyond lip service, you want to demonstrate the homework you have done.

Reaching out to a current employee performing the pictures victims, same job function puts you over university science, the top. Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Many employees have innovative ideas about university victims how to perform their jobs better, tap into that information for university of windsor ranking 2016 free and then add your own spin. Use the power of imagination to norris university, stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to university computer science ranking 2016, be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over west housing, the web. If you want to of windsor computer science, make a lasting impression, you must put in the sweat and effort. Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out natural. Landing an offer in a tough economy requires considerable effort. If you can demonstrate you can make an impact in fsu boston your interview, your name will rise to the top of the pack. Copyright Curriculum-Vitae.In 2013 - Contact : webmaster

All the Curriculum Vitae templates are at university of windsor science ranking 2016, your disposal without any guaranty. The use of these Curriculum samples is at your sole risk.

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